I (19F) have been in a situationship with my friend (who we’ll call Kyle) (19M) since 2020. He made it clear to me that he struggles with commitment, but has no problem being only with me. I personally plan to get married and have children in the future, so I had to accept his stance. I came to the conclusion that this will only be a “for now” thing (unless maybe he were to change his mind for some reason), since I’m only in my second semester of college and haven’t transferred yet (I’m not on the hunt for a husband at the moment). We have phenomenal sex regularly and will go out together (dinner, mall, gyms, Airbnbs, etc.). He takes really good care of me, and when I’m struggling with something I can always go talk to him about it. Kyle is not the best at communication, but he tries and I really appreciate it.

Last semester I had this guy (20M I think) in my class (we’ll call him Ricky) who I thought was kinda cute, but nothing more than a stupid classroom crush. Turns out he’s in another one of my classes this semester, and when I talked to my friend who was in the same class about it she said I should go for it. I still wasn’t 100% sure about it, but when I talked to my therapist she told me I needed something more and to just try, and if anything just go back to Kyle like I did with past relationships. From what my friend told me, Ricky is very nice and laid-back. He had a lot of thoughtful comments in class last semester, so I already appreciate his ability to listen, think, and communicate. I only talked to him once during a group project, but that was before I even considered anything.

So I said fuck it. I followed Ricky on social media, and he followed me back. I messaged him about class, and he wrote back more than I had anticipated (obviously if he wasn’t interested in my existence at all, he would’ve either said nothing or kept it short). All of my friends, especially my mother, has been pushing me to talk to Ricky more but I freak out easily. It’s not uncommon for me to panic and to slip up (like today my friend and I ran into him in the doorway of class and I literally froze like an idiot). I know all I can do is talk to him, but it’s easier said than done. Like I said, I slip up and can make a bafoon out of myself. I said goodbye to him today, and he said goodbye as well, but that’s all I felt comfortable doing.

Side note, I’ll cut things off with Kyle if things get serious of course. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty right now, even though he’s not necessarily entitled to any of my emotions because he himself is emotionally unavailable. I’d say all I’m doing is talking to Ricky, but I can’t say that because I don’t know how to talk to guys!

I do acrobatics that could literally kill me if I make one wrong move, but I’m afraid to talk to a guy? Can anyone please give me advice on what to do with Ricky, or at least throw some words of encouragement at me? My mom called me chicken-shit today.

  1. Sounds like you’re interested in a different guy, and your current one doesn’t want to be official. Sounds like you can’t lose considering Kyle isn’t interested in commitment and you want more. Not to mention that communication is a major part of a healthy relationship and Kyle doesn’t sound like he’s capable.

    What do you have to lose?

  2. I (22F) was in a similar situation last year. My “Kyle” was never going to commit and I doubt yours ever will. When I found my person, Mark, and finally let go of my “Kyle”, I became so much happier and more fulfilled. “Kyle”, after having told me for MONTHS that he didn’t want a relationship despite exclusive sex and dates and deep conversations, started dating someone within 2 months of finding out I was official with Mark. He was upset I found someone, but that’s his loss. Mark is moving in next week and I happen to know he’s talked to my mother about engagement rings, and I have never been happier. I have never been able to be myself as much as I can be now. It’s such a wonderful and unexpected feeling to find someone who wants the things you want, who loves you for you, who you’ve never had to fight for the attention of, who makes you feel like you.

    “Kyles” don’t want to commit to us, but want our commitment. They want us to pass their time but are willing to drop us as soon as they find someone they like better. Go for Ricky. He may be your Mark, he may not be. But either way it’s better than staying hung up on Kyle. Kyles don’t deserve us

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