What makes you find a women attractive? And how do you tend to read people?

  1. I think for most physical attraction comes first. Most people automatically go to that first, when it comes to basically most things in life. Next I think personality. With those things , if they fall in line with what your expectations are everything else is just a bonus

  2. Fit, friendly, and feminine are the easiest things you can control.

    I guess don’t wreck what you’ve got either. Tattoos, piercings that aren’t ears, and eccentric hair only attract certain types of dudes.

    Read them, they’ll tell you if you listen. Especially now.

  3. Pretty face. Nice smile. Someone who has similar interests and mindset. I also love simplicity in a woman.

  4. I hardly see a woman as not good looking as long as she has the basics of presenting herself down, so I tend to look towards personality in sense of personal integrity, interests and hobbies and commitment to those for attraction.

  5. I chat with her. Listen to her. Get to know her. Hey mind and heart are what turn me on and excite me.

    Listen, really listen, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Pay attention to her actions, they tell you the most about her.

  6. Physically: Chubbier women with ample chest and belly.
    Social-emotionally: share my interests in gaming, anime, music, and movies ( or at least be willing to tolerate my niche interests in these fields ).

    As for how I tend to read people, I’m usually super self-conscious and I kinda jump to conclusions so I tend to take nice gestures as someone just being polite and most clapback or criticism as person hating a certain aspect about me.

  7. This confuses some people, but I’ll do my best to explain.

    My girlfriend has the best tits on the planet. Not because they are “objectively” the best. They’re the best because their *hers.* Because she’s willing to share them with me. Because she’s comfortable with me. Because she accepts me, and accepts herself around me. The same can be said for *any* of her traits. And if I was dating a completely different woman, she’d be the best for the exact same reason. The right woman becomes more attractive by virtue of being the right woman for you. I’m not looking for a specific physical trait, I’m looking for a connection strong enough to redefine my standards, because *that* beauty lasts forever. It may sound a little sappy, but once you’ve had that, there’s no going back.

  8. I don’t know. I just look at women and find myself physically attracted to them. Look at men and feel no physical attraction.

    It’s just one of those things. Never really thought about it. I’m just attracted to women. Pretty much everything…. Their femininty, their antonomy. How their faces seem to be more pretty to look at in my opinion. Their smiles.

  9. Fit, non-combative, loyal.

    Also she should bring something to the table other than looks or money (looks fade, and men don’t care about how much money you make.)
    Know how to cook, have a good personality, be able to hold a conversation, desire to do things with you just to be with you.

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