I see a lot of negativity about (very real) issues in the UK right now. But I also feel like there is a lot to be hopeful about. What makes you hopeful about the UK? It can be anything- big or small.

  1. I think the people are great.

    I think that we see and hear negativity because that is simply our way of being. As my mum in law once said *Life is grumbling*

    We don’t like to brag or show off. We prefer therefore to hide it under a veil of moaning, We are world-class at this.

    BUT, in people’s real lives, not their conversational ones, everyone I know is trying to make the best of things.

    So yeah, I have great hope. More or less everyone I come across in the UK is a really nice person who tries really hard to make the best of things.

  2. London. I don’t care that it’s generally hated by the uk. The people and social freedom there is better than anywhere else ive lived in the uk. Don’t get me wrong prices are pretty mad, but the cultures are great. Wether its lgbt or foreign or whatever. I don’t get stared at for expressing myself like i do else where. Everyone gets on with their lives and doesn’t make a fuss about what doesn’t hurt them. You’re free to be who ever

  3. I teach undergraduates at university and I am constantly amazed at how kind, friendly and polite they are: to staff and to each other. Honestly, I have colleagues who could learn from these kids.

    Still atrocious at handing in assignments on time, though. Students are students.

  4. Our location means that we could, as long as meet all requirements, one day join the EU, an economic union of nearby states, which would provide a boost to our security and prosperity

  5. Chances are you’ll survive and see the light after the dark, a glorious relief only fully appreciated by being tested. It’ll be beautiful. And frankly that fucks me right off.

  6. We’re a nation of innovators and inventors. Some of the best stem in the world, and some of the best educational institutions. There are many intelligent and enthusiastic young people coming through.

  7. That older generations like mine will fade away. The illusion of England (don’t blame Scotland, NI or Wales for this crap) being important will diminish and the fantasies of Empire will be consigned to history where they belong. That whats left of the UK, alongside an independent Scotland, will humbly regain their place in the world.

  8. It’s actually fabulously wealthy. And you only realise how wealthy it is when you are paid poorly, and yet can still afford holidays (ryanair) and going to the pub (Spoons).

    Really. Being low-paid elsewhere is grimmer.

    What makes me hopeful are all the amazing possibilities people have today to educate and improve themselves, using devices that are almost universally affordable.

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