K and I met over a year ago. We clicked because we had over 80 friends and we grew up the same way and at the same place. Both our parents sent us to Australia for further education.

I was never too close to K because K had a tendency to be disingenuous and we disagreed on some big things. Regardless of that up till the end of last year I considered her a good friend but not a best friend.

I got into a relationship with my current bf in October. At first it seemed like she was suspicious of him because of how quickly our relationship progressed. I just assumed she was being protective. The way I was when I found out her bf cheated on her and my immediate reaction was to ask her to break up with him. Of course when she inevitably didn’t I expressed disappointment. In hindsight this triggered her to stop telling me about their toxic arguments. It was just evident to me that he didn’t love her at all. He had almost cheated 2x and actually cheated once. Told her to “stop eating” if she was really concerned about her weight (she has a history of bulimia).

Later on when me and my bf get into some relationship milstestones, it never seemed like K was happy for me. My bf got me this really amazing Christmas present, it was a vintage copy of my favorite book. And she scoffed at it and said “With how much he potentially spent on those, I’d much rather be given a nice pair of shoes”

Another incident was when I told her that we’re off to europe, she said “I can’t believe you’re going abroad before flying home to your parents”. Basically finding every reason to tear down whatever good news I had. She would say it under the guise of being honest, and not say anything horrible enough so that you’d call her out.

Though sometimes, even when I’d tell her about our arguments she wasn’t on my side either. She’d say “I’d be happy if (her bf) would even do that, you should be grateful.”

Lately when one of my closest friends, A flew in, I’ve been spending a lot more time with her instead of K. I enjoyed her company more. But it just seemed that this made K jealous.

She would say some snide things directly to A. Never included her and acted super distant to both of us. I completely get it but the behavior was bizzare to me since we are no longer in high school and we both have our own social lives outside each other. When A pointed out how fake she was, I brushed it off because I always wanted to give my friends the benefit of the doubt. But now I’m not too sure.

I want to remain friends because through all this we still share a lot of good memories. I just don’t know how to get her to snap out of it. She has been confronted about her lies and behavior once by someone else and she just acted defensive and feigned ignorance. I just need to know how to go from here. Maybe I’m just dumb, but I believe she’s just self centred at worst, and she isn’t intentionally being mean spirited.

1 comment
  1. Reading your post it seems like growing apart would be a good thing for you

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