One thing I hear about a lot when people are talking about confidence, socializing, improving yourself, and etc. Is that you have to learn how to ‘love yourself.’

But I’ve always asked “how?..” “How can I love myself when I make mistakes and have many regrets and just don’t like who I am?” I don’t like a lot of things about me, how I have social anxiety, how I am shy and awkward a lot and have bad habits, and how lazy and selfish I am. And on top of that I am just disappointed in myself a lot.
You hear a lot about learning to “forgive yourself” and to “love who you are.” But I can’t love who I am when I know that I can be better.
I have a goal in mind of who I want to be, and I’m always striving to improve and hopefully one day become that person. But when I hear people say that I should just love myself for who I am, it sounds like they’re just telling me to accept my mistakes, and to love my all of my qualities, even the bad ones. …But I don’t want to do that because I know I can be better. I’m afraid that if I just accept who I am with all my faults and regrets then I’ll have the mindset that I’m okay the way I am, and won’t desire/strive to improve myself.

I am hard on myself a lot, but that’s just because I want to be better- I want to become the best version of myself that I can be. Because then I will be happier with myself: happier for not messing up daily and coming home with regrets, always having my faults right in my face. Happier knowing that I haven’t missed another opportunity, knowing that I lived my life to the fullest with no regrets, and that I’ve reached my potential.

I don’t just want to settle for the unreliable, insecure, lazy person I am right now.

But prove me wrong. Tbh I do want to love myself and be confident with who I am, but currently I cannot do that.
Is this just how it’s supposed to be? If you have to love yourself to improve and be better in social situations, relationships, etc., how can I do it?

1 comment
  1. Loving yourself is not being too hard on yourself and accepting your imperfections and faults. This doesn’t mean you just let those slide. It means that you pledge to make improvements while giving yourself room to try. fail and succeed.

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