I was reading about louis wain which sent me into reading about the “Golden age of postcards”. I love looking at them and reading about them. I now feel the urge to make greeting cards and post cards for others. This includes family and friends. I don’t want to write anything on em though! I feel bad because I want to make em for some friends but not others? I have no idea why i feel that? I’ll definitely still make em stuff though!

I don’t have any theme or anything on mind? I want to make them even with no occasions like holidays or birthdays. I know this isn’t Weird and a lot of people do it but how do I start this process. It seems a bit out of Character and I don’t want my loved ones to worry about me?

I also just like making cards? The type that’s inside and outside instead of just front and back. Last Christmas I made nice ones I really like working with textures. It’s my goal to get good with pop out ones or more interactive ones! I can given make em for fundraising clubs I’m in!

My mom works from home so I can probably just leave em at her desk. My dad likes gaming so I can leave em at his gaming chair. I can give em to my grandparents when they beat me at chess. And I can probably put them in my friends lockers! I can leave em with little gifts too! I’ve been planning on getting into mini clay projects and beading!

The thing is, I’m not sure if it will make them feel uncomfortable? I feel uncomfortable when I recive gifts from others so I’m not sure if they’ll feel the same? I’m not spending any money so it should be okay but I’m also afraid I’ll come off to strong? Like I would like doing it, it would make me happier but I wanna brighten their day to? I just don’t want it to come off as a “me, me ,me” thing!

I also think I’d be funny and a good start to give some to the church people at bus stops that always yell about us going to hell! They usually hand out panflets so I can hand a card back! I’d be quick plus and give me practice! Even through I don’t agree with their methods it’s very cold outside ao I think they might need something to cheer em up!

Is this a good idea? Should u ask my friends if it’s okay to give em cards? How would I ask them? How do I make it clear I’m not hitting on em? How do I let them know I don’t need them to get me stuff too? I really don’t want them feeling like they need to spend money on stuff for me in return.

Would these cards even be wanted? I’ve heard people say they dispose of cards after receiving em but I still have cards from when I was in elementary? I’m planning on making any random day cards small enough for storage reasons.

Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Any tips would be great! I want this to be a positive experience for everyone so I would hate to make anyone uncomfortable. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. Hi OP,

    I thought I’d respond to this, because I have a “gift philosophy” that is a bit different from the norm, and it kind of overlaps with your question. Basically, I don’t care much about giving gifts on specific occasions–birthday, Christmas, and other occasions. I like to give gifts when I run across something I think someone would like, whatever time of the year it is.

    So maybe that would work for you, with cards? I see from your post history that you participate on the cardmaking sub, so I’m guessing that you make some pretty neat cards.

    If you’re worried that people will think this is odd, perhaps you could explain (to your friends and family–they should understand if they know about you and cards) and for others, perhaps put a message inside the card (say, “Just hoping you have a nice day!”)

    I think I can see your concerns about worrying if others will feel uncomfortable or that they will need to reciprocate, and it is good that you have this social awareness. But I would say just go for it, with the understanding that the response will vary across people. Maybe start with people closest to you?

    You could even come up with some clever ways to say this–“I’m carding you!” haha

    You will have to establish a new norm with this–giving cards like this is not common–but I think you can make it work. Good luck, I think this is a neat idea.

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