So I am gonna keep this short. I (F20) and my Bf (M23) have been dating for almost 8 months now. Him and I are in a long distance relationship though, which makes it hard to communicate, but it isn’t as drastic as for other people (we have a 3 hour difference), which makes it manageable. Now the problem is that I obviously want to talk to my boyfriend or at least have a text conversation for a few minutes, but he isn’t able to. One of his closest friends recently came back from abroad , which means they will obviously hang out and party a lot. Honestly I have no problem with that. But I am just not the type of person, who is okay with a 2 word text every 12 hours. I get that he is busy enjoying himself and spending time, but I don’t know. I’d be okay if he was doing that once a week but he has been doing it everyday for a week now. We did have one call, which lasted an hour, but we mostly did stuff that he enjoyed. This type of communication is gonna last for 5-6 weeks, cause that’s how long his friend is staying for.

I know i shouldnt be bothered by this, but I am going through something right now and I need him to be there. It’s not something I can tell anyone else.

He was the one who told me to rely on him and call him when I need him, but he NEVER picks up. I did ask him about it and he told me it’s because he gets a bit awkward when he has to pick up calls without headphones in public, but then he told me that he would start taking his headphones with him so he can pick up my calls in emergency cases. Well, he still does not take them. :/

I also know it is selfish for me to expect him to make time for me, but when he was going through a hard time, I rescheduled my schedule to help him out. I just wish he would do the same.

I am lost on what to do. I need advice. How do I go about this?

TLDR: bf doesn’t talk to me regularly for a week and says that thats how it is gonna be for 5-6 weeks, but I need him to be there for me. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. When someone shows you who they are believe them if you don’t like what you’re seeing move on and find someone better soon and see who lives closer and doesn’t want to party as much.

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