What is your favorite healthy and unhealthy snack?

  1. Favourite healthy snack is an entire box of black grapes, favourite unhealthy are two large and iced Belgian buns. I don’t know if Americans have these but it is essentially a sweet bun with raisins, lashings and lashings of white very sweet icing with a glacier cherry on top. Extremely good after a big salty dinner or for a lazy lunch.

    If I am being really greedy I eat the top layers of icing first and then spray the naked bun with whipped cream.

  2. Healthy – apples, bananas, protein shakes, müsli
    Unhealthy – chocolate bars, wafers or cookies
    I love to make snacks combining healthy and unhealthy food so I get the best of both worlds.

  3. Healthy is raspberries or yogurt.

    Unhealthy is probably jalapeno poppers or pizza rolls.

  4. Healthy: most fruits, especially hardier/easier to eat ones like apples – easily portable

    Unhealthy: Ice-cream or sweet potato fries

  5. Healthy: apples, cheese and a few pistachios.

    Unhealthy: chips, especially if there’s a dip with it

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