What are questions you wanna ask Women but will sound creepy?

  1. What are you really doing in the bathroom when you say you’re going to “powder your nose.”?

  2. What’s the best stance to take when shaving your asshole? Squatting? Leg up? Bent over?

  3. I saw a meme that can answer this question, it goes;

    “Can I ask you something?”

    “Yeah of course”

    “So girls don’t have balls right?”

    “Girls do not have balls no”

    (Shocked face 😧)

    “So when a girl goes to scratch her balls, how does that work??”

  4. Are you a furry? I think I’ve developed a hunting fetish recently.


    …wait, it’s more like a pick up line

  5. As a gay guy, I have so many. Primarily, if most pleasure and climax comes from the clitoris, but guys sex you by putting the peen in, how do they enjoy sex enough to cum. When you see sex scenes or watch porn, you don’t see the dude with one hand down at crotch level, so is he doing anything to the clitoris at all? Also, what exactly is he or she supposed to do to it? Like… poke it, push it like a button, wiggle it around like that red dot that moves the mouse cursor on those IBM ThinkPads?

  6. Oh, gay guy thought of another one. When wearing bikinis or really any of those bathing suits that look like just this thin strip between the legs and thighs on either side, how do you make it look like you don’t have a vagina? Like might it peak through the side or show the shape on the bottom? Is there a woman equivalent to tucking?

  7. The clitoris extends several inches into the body and becomes erect during stimulation. Do you feel the erect internal clitoris? Or just the nubby exterior?

  8. So…maybe not for all women, but something thats always kind of bugged me, and this is the internet and no one here knows who i am in the real world so fuckit.

    Why do so many women side with their friends when it comes to cheating, domestic abuse, and other such things, when its the female friend who is doing these things, but the moment the tables turn, any instance of these things is the worst crime imaginable?

    I know its not ‘all women’, but my own damn family turned on me when i was falsely accused of DV as retaliation for breaking off the relationship after she cheated.

    I dont even speak to more than 90% of my family these days because they all sided with her, even the ones who KNEW it wasnt true.

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