OK so here is what happened she called me and invited me to her house to hang out wich usually means we watch a movie, talk, sex and cuddle,but this time she said that she has something special for me and wanted to try something new so I was like cool can’t wait, I showed up there and told to sit on the couch and wait, 5 minutes later she got out of the bedroom with this full belly dancer outfit, I was so stunned and speechless and just sat there flabbergasted, she just turned on music and started dancing I couldn’t help but laugh and she just got embarrassed or sad(I really couldn’t tell)and just went into her room and locked the door and told me to leave, I tried to explain to her that it was just surprised and didn’t know what do and I just laughed like an idiot(wich is the truth) , but she didn’t listen and told me to leave its been almost a week now and is not answering any of my texts or calls, she still talks to my sister but she not telling me anything either just told me that i am an ass, I really don’t know what to do or what to say to her she is my only serious relationship i ever had an have bee together for 4 years now and I really love her and I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.

Please help me I need advice on how to handle this.

Tl;DR I nervous laughed at my girlfriend when she tried to do something special for me and she got embarrassed and sad because she has self- confidence issues now is refusing to talk to me

  1. I assume she was trying to do something sexy and different, and it took a lot for her to go through with it. And ultimately, she did it because she wanted to share something new with you. But I also understand why she would be hurt, because it probably took some courage to do this for you.

    Then again, I dont blame you for your reaction. When people are surprised or nervous etc., they laugh as a reaction. I had an SO who would get giggly before sex…and would totally kill the mood when I’m trying to have some passionate sex lol Its not that strange to start laughing in moments like this.

    All you can do is try to talk to her about it and explain your psychology around it. Also, you need to let her know you you understand why she feels shitty. And thats kind of it man. We all have issues like this where the intent is misconstrued. All we can do as people, is communicate honestly.

  2. Just be patient and when she does talk to you just say you didn’t mean to laugh AT her, you were just surprised at the situation and didn’t expect it. Empathize with how embarrassed she felt and reiterate that you didn’t mean it that way. It’s about all you can do. Shit happens.

  3. This is like an American Pie movie where the dad give the son some advice and he fucks it up.

    So my advice would be to do something like that for her to show your laugh meant nothing personally.

  4. aw dude she probably took so many classes for that.

    that sucks it really does.

    poor girl.

    this may have been crushing.

    you have tried apologizing now you need to wait.

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