Why is it that when a woman decides not to have kids , she is heavily trolled for it ?

  1. People fear what they don’t understand, and when they fear something, they tend to lash out instead of trying to understand.

  2. Because social standards suck.. deviate from the norm and you’ll sadly be ridiculed. I personally think it’s very empowering for a woman to decide to focus on herself and not want to have kids

  3. Because the greatest threat to patriarchy and male superiority is a woman who makes decisions for herself.

  4. They don’t if they are in my life! Look, I’ve got two wonderful daughters, but I TOTALLY get why some people don’t want kids. They are exhausting money pits. I wouldn’t trade mine in, but I will stand up for any woman who makes a different choice, and then be envious of her free time and disposable income. Lol

  5. Because our existence is based off of how we’re serving other people, and if we aren’t serving our men or children then golly we is turrble wominz.

  6. I feel like a lot of people trapped in motherhood, felt like they didn’t have a choice. I honestly think they’re just jealous and misery wants company.

  7. Just two weeks ago I had my male flatmate stand in my doorway for 20 minutes telling me how it was my responsibility to continue the human race and how selfish it was for me to not have kids. Man wouldn’t even listen to me, was just listening to respond and if he had of opened space for a discussion would have found out that I medically am unable. Dude just heard “I’m not having kids” and went in with a whole script of bullshit haha.

  8. Sadly it’s woman who do the trolling … if I had a dollar.

    “ you must have so much free time”
    “You must have so much money “
    “You can travel whenever you want”
    “ you must sleep in all the time “
    “ you are so lucky to not have children you have no idea what it’s like”

    Yes the above comments are just as bad as the typically misogynistic comments you hear

  9. I think a lot of women didn’t want to have children or weren’t sure and gave in to societal pressure/standards. Now they regret it and must shame anyone who doesn’t follow the same path, because how dare you do what you want when I couldn’t do the same? They want to force their misery on other women too.

  10. I agree with the unpopular opinion that this isn’t super prevalent these days. (In the US specifically.) I believe that society as a whole is pretty dang supportive of a persons decision to be childless. If you get questions from family & friends regarding that decision (or even the other way around if you choose to have children) you’re not getting “trolled”, you’re just getting normal feedback.

    Edit to include that I’m speaking specifically to those that voluntarily choose to not have children. Seems there’s a debate of the wording childfree vs childless.

  11. Maybe your parents want to have grandkids.In the same way you where give a chance to live ? I want my kid to have children.

  12. ✨Patriarchy✨

    A woman’s purpose is to have and raise children.

    (I don’t believe that, please don’t fight me, it’s just what those shitstains seem to think)

  13. Because you don’t fit how they think you should do things and how they have done those things. Your choice makes them question theirs and nobody like that kinda uncomfortable.

  14. Dumbest question I heard when I decided not to have kids “but who’s going to take care of you when you’re old if you’re not having kids” (btw worst reason EVER to have kids)

    My answer “the nice people I hire with all the money I save not having kids”

  15. Because for a long time in this country, women didn’t have the right to say she didn’t want kids. Which is why “modern feminism” is often the blame for a lot of things in this country. How dare you NOT want to have a gaggle of kids and submit to a husband.

  16. I don’t think women should care if they get trolled for not having kids it doesn’t matter what other people think at the end of the day it’s you’re body and you’re life you should choose wisely if you want to have kids or not cause it’s gonna change you’re body forever I do think women should think carefully if they don’t want kids cause some women blame it on society they said society has lied to them that a career is more important than motherhood you’re a grown ass women I don’t think society or anyone else should make a choice for you, you should stand you’re ground and make a choice for yourself if you choose wrong no one but you’re self is to blame there are comes pros and cons for having a child and same goes for not having a child but it’s you’re life Either you choose to have a child or not that’s not important what’s important is that you don’t regret it if it’s a career you want go ahead live you’re life if it’s motherhood you want have fun you shouldn’t care what other people say as long as you’re not hurting anyone, you have self respect and proper values and Morals I think you’re good to go fuck what other people say

  17. Because of:
    1: social standards. A woman is shamed for not wanting kids even though it’s her choice
    2: she might be infertile, but society doesn’t let woman explain reasons before getting on the woman for her choice/issue

  18. Because people don’t realize how stupid and irrational they sound when they throw a hissy fit because a women decides not to have a baby😕

  19. She’s got the wrong friends or needs to weed out some peeps and control whom she follows and where and what she posts.

  20. Because women are trolled for everything. Having kids. Not having kids. Having kids and working. Having kids and not working. Whatever we do, we are WRONG. It’s exhausting. 🙄

  21. Because many see us as baby making machines and nothing else. So they get confused and angry when we don’t fill that 1 expectation.

  22. Because enough humans are assholes to make it seem like everyone is an asshole. Most people are kind (I hope), but that 10% of fuckfaces makes it feel like everyone sucks.

  23. Because patriarchal society dictates our value lies in our ability to birth and raise children.

    Personal theory: society also fears and despises women getting older – they believe women lose their value when they age because they stop being ‘fuckable’ BUT they retain value if they have a child because they’re ‘creating value’

  24. I hate that there is this rivalry between both camps. Being a woman is hard enough without piling on each other for our life choices. If you want to have kids- great. I am genuinely happy for you. It’s not a path I have chosen but I can be happy for you all the same. Same as child free people- we don’t all have the same reasons but I respect all and every choice because it’s your life. Love and lead it how you see fit. We don’t need to put each other down with passive aggressive comments like how selfish CF women are or how they don’t know what tired is because they don’t have kids. Similarly don’t dehumanise women and call them “breeders” because they chose to have a child. You want other people to respect your life choice- maybe respect theirs too.

  25. Because we know she’ll probably be happier and we hate her for it 😂 saying that as a woman with two (I love my babies)

  26. cause apart from every subjectiv goal that exist in this world, humans have no other purpose than to recreate, if you wont , you basically failed your main mission

  27. I’m literally ostracized from not having kids.. not my choice it was my prize for beating cancer. I wouldn’t want to pass thos on to any of my kids. So been married into this family for 25 years and still don’t really talk to anyone u less they need a favor (I avoid favors)

  28. To be honest I haven’t had any rude remarks about not having kids. If someone actually started having a go at me I’d give as good back!

  29. Honestly it goes both ways, I was looked down upon by single career minded females for having 3 kids by 25 so 🤷🏻‍♀️ …ppl childish whatchu expect .

  30. Right?! It feels so awkward to even say something. I just got married, and just moved into my first house with my husband. I feel lucky as hell to even get to this point in my life, and now everyone and their mother is asking us when we are having babies 😭 I was told so many times from family members to “give them an Easter baby”. How weird is it to ask me & my husband to conceive on a specific date? It’s extremely uncomfortable on my end 😅

  31. Personally: I don’t care whether women have kids or not, I do like kids, but parents talking about them is extremely dull so I would never willingly open up that conversation.

    I do think some people wrongly believe all women ‘should’ have kids or strive for them, but I also believe often people ask as it’s often common ground for small talk as it is fairly likely they will. However, I am not female so perhaps to perception is skewed.

  32. Thank goodness that’s not the case for me. Your tax dollars are safe from my would-be brood of hellions.

  33. Because she deviates from normal social standards. Anything you do that’s the opposite of what you’re required to do is ridiculed. If people start thinking about why they actually want to have kids, no one will actually have kids. It goes on to show how the majority of people don’t really think before having kids cause it’s just given that you’re gonna have kids. And when you deviate from that you’re ridiculed.

    A close guy friend once told me that everyone eventually caves into wanting kids even though they are against it most of their lives, to which i said kids aren’t toys that you “cave in” and that i don’t think having kids is worth it to which he said I have “very strong opinions” which isn’t right. (????)

  34. i guess because some people measure a women’s value by how many kids they can have. It’s really messed up

  35. Because my religious in laws are concerned that “my life won’t be fufilling.”

    Also, because I’m selfish. Still don’t get that one.

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