Are they much different to your 20s? Do you *feel* any older? Has your perspective on life changed?

I know in the grand scheme of things you’re still young in your 30s, but it seems so daunting for me to think I’m closer to 30 than I am to 18 now…..where the f*ck has time gone????

  1. I think this is really going to depend on where in your life you are tbh. For example, many people have children in their 30s so even if you’re still a singleton, your friends might have different priorities now and not be available as often (or potentially at all) for activities you would usually have done together. So even if you feel the same, others circumstances will likely affect you.
    For what it’s worth, I feel more comfortable now in my early 30s than I have at any other point in my life. I’ve gained confidence and feel like I’ve finally ‘found myself’.

  2. So my career progressed a lot but also there was a lot more scattering – as u/MermazingKat lots of my friends started to have kits. I was also a lot more settled.

    Also my social scene changed a lot – more meals out and fewer nights in the pub.

    I didn’t feel personally significantly different from my 20s.

  3. They should be epic. Mine were.

    You have matured so you can see through the bullshit. You are still young and healthy and you have some experience of life.

  4. I don’t feel like time is slipping away or owt like that, I don’t even feel 37.

    Most of my mates are married with kids, not a problem, that is their choice.

    I’m not currently working, just waiting for the season to start up again. Currently loving it, although I think I need a new hobby!

    I spent my 20’s mainly working hospitality and looking back I realised how burnt out and depressed I was.

    I live by two things mainly – there’s no pockets in shrouds, and that no-one has been led on their death bed thinking ‘damn, I wish I had worked more”

  5. My 30s were fucking awesome. I spent my 20s being a dork, and my 40s (and on) being a married family man, but my 30s were a fucking wild ride!

  6. Better than my 20s, so far. I was very messy emotionally for a lot of my 20s, and life seems an awful lot simpler now.

  7. My thirties were the best, settled in a relationship and married, doing well at work, things good financially, life was good! My forties haven’t been quite so good – redundancy and divorce.

  8. Lonelier than my 20s my friends are all married and have kids so they aren’t free to hangout any more and my mental health has definitely gotten worse anxiety wise, currently out of work due to a breakdown

  9. It’s not particularly nice being older, but I spent a lot of my 20’s being skint, being awkward in social situations, caring too much about what people thought of me and wondering what the hell I’m going to do with my life.

    In my 30’s, I spend less time worrying although I take things less for granted such as friends, family, health. I’m more disciplined now so I find it easier to keep up a gym plan, learn an instrument or a language and get through all the dusty books I didn’t read in my 20s.

  10. I had the best time in my 30s. Perfect balance of disposable income, free time yet full of energy and hope.

    If you just do a bit of planning ahead and manage to reach your 30s, you’ll have a great time imo

  11. My 30’s were bloody awesome. Had enough income to do great holidays, lunches, dinners, party’s etc and didn’t have kids then. Really
    Got myself out and about and had a great time

  12. Your 30s are like your 20s except you look 10yrs older and everything is less fun.

    Joking aside you’ll find yourself with more money and less time to spend it, meeting up with friends becomes harder as everyone is juggling their own things but you’ll also learn to really enjoy the small things in life so in a way it all equals out I guess.

  13. The best things about the further along you get into your 30s? The fewer fucks you give.

  14. I had a stressful career and partied a lot on weekends. Had a lot of fun. These days I’m a sober(ish) (occasional glass of red) hermit, but less stressed. I’m still shit with money and I never really grew up (that’s a tad over-rated and boring anyway)
    The main difference is that I don’t care too much about people think anymore, and my glass is more half full than half empty.

  15. For me (33f), I had my first child (2yo) and now pregnant with the second. 30’s made me feel settled and like i wasn’t searching for something anymore. But on the flip side, everyday genuinely feels like one long to-do list – that i cant seem to get on top of. The responsibilities are exhausting and probably pretty ageing.

  16. Well there kind of the same. Only difference is other people some friends have family’s now. Don’t feel anyolder in body.

  17. I actually quite enjoy my 30s. I’m in the middle now pretty much, had both my kids relatively young. So both are in an age now where they don’t need me constantly anymore. Work is alright, relationship going nicely for the past few years. All in all I feel a lot more relaxed, no pressure from any side and feeling quite content. Yes actually happy most times. I had a thought a few days ago when I saw some teens if I would want to be their age again and… nah… honestly my 30s seem the best so far.

  18. I’m 31 in a few days, and it doesn’t feel drastically different to my 20’s. I feel a bit more confident in myself and I’m a bit less awkward, but that’s about it.

    I’d like to start a family in the next few years but I haven’t found the right person yet, so that’s in the back of my mind and makes me a bit anxious sometimes, but apart from that, I’m not doing too bad so I have no complaints.

  19. To me, it doesn’t feel different to my 20s. However, that being said, the only real difference is suddenly realising on the toilet that I’m 31 and will never be a twenty something ever again. It’s all downhill from here.

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