Met in 2019.

31(F) / 36(M)

So quick history, I was cheated on by her in 2020, it was only kiss from what I can gather. She didn’t admit it and only came clean once I found a deleted screen shot from the guy who at the time was a friend of mine. When they were on a work trip.

So that takes literally two years to work through, lots and lots of trust issues.

She is a very social person, and I’ve asked her not to give her number out to guys that ask but she still does. I’m working on my insecurities with it and want to be able to give her freedom to be “her” without me causing issues or seeming paranoid. She’s handed out her number to atleast 3 diffrent people since November, each one has ended up with guy pursuing her. Married/single doesn’t matter its always the same and she ends up blocking the number after I cause a fuss about it getting to that point. And she’s frustrated cause she feels controlled.

Last night were out at the bar, and she starts chatting up another table with 4 guys , I dont mind and I’m confident that she’s my girl I don’t need to worry. Im on the other side of the bar and see her point at me later on, she was pointing out who her bf was. When it was time to roll i bought 5 shots for her and the table cause im nice guy and why not, we all take the shot and tell her its time roll, prior to this point the guy asks for her number and she makes a comment like, nah no thanks this always ends up bad and my boyfriend freaks out….. well drunk her gives it out again. And on the way home he texts her (married man) hey girl! We miss you already, it was great meeting you.

I bring it up in the morning and it causes a fight. She says something along the lines that she can have friends outside of our relationship and I don’t trust her etc.

Should rules be respected?

  1. Yeah your GF is crossing a line repeatedly that you’ve clearly communicated you’re not comfortable with. Not to mention that most people in a relationship wouldn’t be comfortable with their SO doing this.

    Even if she doesn’t intend to do anything with these guys (which I’m not entirely convinced she doesn’t) it’s incredibly disrespectful to you and your relationship. If she doesn’t stop, I’d walk away.

  2. You are the king doormat of all doormats in the land of doormats. 👑

    That time when you took her back after cheating and she kept giving her number out to guys. That should have been the last time you saw her.

    Dude she doesn’t have an ounce of respect for you let alone your rules. Come on.

  3. i stopped reading after the first paragraph. why didn’t you break up with her then? she saw what she got away with and continues to push the line. if you choose to continue to be a doormat then you really have no grounds to complain. it sounds like shes no longer into the relationship and you deserve better. just end it.

  4. >`Shark’s opinion :`
    >>`I wonder how you’re still with her!`
    >>>`She knows nothing of responsibility and commitment.`

  5. you’re being foolish

    your relationship is rotten, it’s been gangrene for 2 years, cut it the fuck off already before you get hurt even worse

  6. Dude get the fuck away from this psychopath for your own good. Please do yourself this favor.

  7. Two words, break up. Once a cheater always a cheater, they don’t deserve your trust.

  8. Leave her she has no respect for you and every guy that asks for her number is not trying to make a friend.

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