We (Me F28) and my fiance (M31) haven’t had sex in months due to a number of things going on keeping us busy. We had a talk and a couple “arguments” about this and well realized we both want to be having sex with each other but for some reason it’s just not happening. We have so much fun watching tv and just lounging in the living room together after work (Hybrid schedules) kiddo etc and by time we go to bed we are literally so exhausted from the day we just pass out instantly. Everytime we do try to “initiate” its just really super weird awkwardness and ends up in jokes roasting each other 😅🤦🏽‍♀️.

Honestly tho? How do we get past this ?? He is my best friend, we spend all our time together other than the adult stuff life makes us do (again.. work, kiddo, cooking dinner, eating food etc) and when we both actually do get serious one of us isn’t very fresh either from sweating while cleaning, gross breath from dinner, skipped a shower that morning from running late.

How do we get physically intimate again with excitement and somewhat spontaneously? 😩😥

  1. Sounds like you need a couples retreat. Send the kiddo to grandma’s and go on a trip somewhere fun for both of you. It doesn’t have to be long, maybe a long weekend or so.

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