How have you detached your identity from your work/career?

  1. I have a boring office job. I’m already boring enough as it is without making *that* my identity.

  2. I don’t hang out with coworkers outside of work. I have a life and friends that are in no way associated with my work or workplace.

  3. This was incredibly difficult for me as I own a (very stressful) small business. But, I started treating it like a 9-5. When I left work I LEFT work. I didn’t check my email at home, I don’t respond to texts about work when I’m off, I spend my weekends with my fiancé and family and friends doing things we enjoy. And when I’m at work I WORK, I get the stuff done that needs to be done, I stay ahead of things so that I have peace of mind when I detach.

    Doesn’t work for every industry or job, but it’s been a life saving approach for me.

  4. I never made my job my identity. Hobbies, interests, views – there’s a lot more important stuff than work or profession.

    I’m totally fine with having coworkers as friends. But don’t identity over my job.

  5. I have set firm boundaries at work. I’m friendly and engage with my coworkers but I don’t share a lot about my personal life and I don’t want to know a lot about their personal lives. I do not hang out with coworkers outside of the work place and respectfully decline talking much about work in my personal life. It’s easy to be consumed by what you do rather than who you are.

  6. Echoing a lot of what has already been said. Plus, I don’t connect with anyone I work with (direct colleagues or customers or vendor partners) on any social media platform outside of LinkedIn. Even my work friends.

    Once I leave the company, anything’s fair game, but I’ve held that boundary since I was in my early 20’s and I’ve never regretted it.

    Also, therapy and developing a self-awareness about what’s taking up space. I’m a passionate career woman, sometimes work will take up 90% of my capacity in a day, week etc. But I’m conscious that it should not be a permanent state of being and I schedule time to call my parents, meet with friends, get a manicure…reasons to tell my job I have to sign off at a reasonable time or forces me to take a break.

    Having a dog also helps. 😜

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