so me and this guy snapchat constantly everyday like no joke 24/7. we go to sleep late in the mornings after talking all night and will only go to sleep if the other is as well. this has been going on for at least a month. last night he said he was tired and was going to sleep early. no big deal it’s happened before for us both. except this morning he didn’t open my snap. after HOURS i chatted him and he responded with one word. i snapped him and no response. sent a chat. sent another. he opened the snap which i asked what happened and didn’t respond. sent a few more chats because it’s highly unlike him to do this. he still hasn’t responded. idk what to do. we were fine yesterday? and now he’s not talking to me and i can’t think of anything i might have done wrong.

TLDR: i’m being randomly ghosted after talking to a guy for months and not doing anything wrong??

UPDATE TO SITUATION: he’s responded and acting like everything’s good. i believe it was a situation not dealing with me. he seems a bit off but i think he’s probably a little sad/upset about whatever happened w him. our relationship seems okay though.

  1. This is very common in emotionally unavailable people. You are both young to begin with, so already the emotional maturity isn’t all there. Not saying that to offend you but it’s the reality. I would definitely stop sending him snaps or messages because he is clearly ignoring you. If he can’t be mature enough to communicate with you then you need to be mature enough to take the L and move on. I doubt you did anything wrong, im sure it’s not personal.

  2. Some people are just like that. It’s not you.

    Find a friend, pet, pillow to cuddle up with and write him good long goodbye and fuck you letter then maybe burn it or shred it in a blender. Be free.

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