What vegan food options can provide 100g protein everyday ?

  1. 100g of protein is doable- but it’s the calories you will have Tonkin out for, as there will be far more in relation to animal products.

  2. I can’t think of a more miserable way to live than to try to meet my protein needs consistently as a vegan.

  3. 400 g of seitan

    500ish g Beyond meat replacement products

    1 kg of beans

    200 g of soy pellets (“vegan mince”), that’s dry though, wet that’s more like 400-600 g

    120 g of pea protein pellets (another kind of “vegan mince”) again, more like 300 g wet

    All in all, you basically need the meat replacement products, you’re getting nowhere with lentils and walnuts.

  4. some staple high protein vegan things that i eat;

    Quaker protein oatmeal – 10g per packet

    vegan yogurt – 5g

    Quinoa + Bean + avocado bowl or burrito – ~15-20g

    Seitain or Tofu or tempeh based stir veggie fry w/ lentils + peas – ~25 – 40g

    PBJ w/ whole grain seed bread (like Dave’s Killer Bread) – 20-25g

    snacks: seeds (esp hemp and chia) / some nuts ~10g per handful

    and they make vegan protein powder that’s about 20g protein per 80-100 calories scoop


    and tthen of course there’s a lot of little bits of protein here and there from things like salads and broccoli and potatoes and fruits and stuff

  5. The human body can only digest 50-60grams of protein a day. Protein is separated from fat and carbs in the stomach. The stomach only holds onto food for about an hour before it passes it into the small intestine for further digestion of carbohydrates and vitamins. Eating too much protein just fills up your intestines with undigested protein.

    People try to sell you the idea of a high protein diet, but it’s a lie. Some animals so that, not humans. Watch the film game changer on Netflix too if you don’t believe me.

  6. If you read the ingredients closely, everthing contains some kind of animal byproduct or results in the death of an animal in it’s creation.

    Veganism is a delusion

  7. i think huel black hits like 200g if it’s all you consume, 5 times a day. i think that comes out to 2000kcal, too.

  8. If you’re going to go vegan, you’re going to end up malnourished, the martyrdom schtick is part of the appeal of the diet.

  9. Lots of good suggestions here. I would add pea protein powder. I’m not vegan but have used this effectively to add large amounts of protein to my diet when training very hard.

  10. I went Vegan for a while and stopped because it was affecting my health and recovery in the gym, and I was eating upward of 150g of protein a day, still didn’t recover as well as I do on a meat-based diet.

    Lental Pasta 20g per serving
    Tempeh (fermented soy) has about 20-25g per serving
    Beans and legumes about 15-25g per serving
    Nut butter 5-10g per serving
    Whole grain pasta, bread etc. about 10-15g per serving depending on the size
    Meat alternatives made with pea, soy, brown rice protein, beans etc. 20-30g per serving.

    I would take Vegan protein powder twice a day which was about 60g of protein in total…

    It can definitely be done but it’s not easy, I was eating a lot of food at the time! and a lot of carbs…it’s not a diet that I’d recommend to anyone.

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