I have trouble speaking because I feel I’m annoying or they don’t want me to be part of the convo.

When i do speak, I tend to get ignored or interrupted. No matter how loud or how little I say they just interrupt/ignore me. his makes me feel like shit. As I said, it’s really hard, but not sure if it’s just they don’t hear me.

When ignored I feel really small/inferior and anxious so I do not insist on whatever I was saying. Maybe that’s the issue. How can I make ppl not interrupt/hear me?

1 comment
  1. Your insecurity and lack of self-worth/ lack of self-confidence are already conveyed strongly by body-language before you even open your mouth.

    Hence it could be that people have already made a pre-judgement sub-consciously whether they will be interested by what comes out of your mouth and whether they want to listen to anything you have to say if you do not even believe in what you are saying strongly enough to repeat it with confidence.

    Perhaps you are unaware of your own body language and the vibe you give off and also unaware that you have low-self esteem already.

    If that is the case for you – I would highly recommend some therapy. It could really help with the way you view yourself and others and the way you relate to those around you. It should give you the necessary tools to deal with situations like this.

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