My boyfriend bites my earlobe for funsies and it causes a tingling in my bum. Not a complaint.

Are those two connected through some nerves ? Help help.

  1. This is an interesting one, I’m excited to see the replies and experiences, posting this comment to stay updated. Maybe a kink of sorts you haven’t found out for before?

  2. Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for sexual arousal and also stimulates your GI tract so maybe that ?

    ETA or maybe ur into butt stuff ?

  3. When my wife bites/licks my ear, I feel it in my balls 😅 100% link to that area

  4. Not something I’ve heard of, but it’s not particularly crazy given there are other examples of similar weirdness happening with the human body.

    For example, if you press your BFs belly button right, he’ll feel a sensation in his dick.

    I assume it’s just another weird thing like that tbh.

  5. Yes, that happens to me!! It would also happen if a cat sniffed my ears and neck lol.

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