We were friends for about 2 years and started going out within the past few months. We’ve been on about 6 dates so far.

We exchanged Christmas gifts and he got me a gold necklace, but I kind of initiated that I wanted to exchange gifts.

I don’t want to ask again if we are doing anything again since I was the one that initiated Christmas.

We hung out last weekend but he didn’t mention anything about Valentines day

Any advice how to go about this situation would be appreciated

  1. I’ll suggest just don’t have any expectations. If he did give you something from his own you will be surprised and happy. If he doesn’t give anything then atleast you will have a great time. Don’t think about it too much. Have a great time 😊.

  2. I was in a similar position last Valentine’s Day! It got to be a few days before and me and the guy I was dating had not discussed seeing each other the day of at all, but I thought to myself—you know what? I want to celebrate. So a day or two before, I asked him if he’d like to come over for dinner that night, and I wound up preparing a really nice meal with wine and gelato for dessert. He didn’t get me anything (which WAS disappointing lol), but I didn’t feel embarrassed because I ~technically~ didn’t get him anything either. It also helped me gauge where he was in the relationship. I figured he probably didn’t have anything else planned for the night, and if he did decline my offer due to other plans, then well, he likely wasn’t that serious about me.

    I would suggest a similar approach perhaps—“hey, would you like to come over for dinner on Tuesday?”—or, probably a little more in advance, just straight up asking him if he’d like to do something for Valentine’s Day.

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