How would you feel if your partner said they had a strong preference towards adopting a child with you rather than conceiving a child with you?

  1. Well, I generally don’t want children but I‘d rather adopt than conceive one so … We can talk about that.

  2. Since I don’t want children in the first place and I’m very wary of the adoption system, that would be a very clear indication that we aren’t compatible.

  3. That really depends on a lot of factors, like, if either of us have genetic diseases that we don’t want to pass down, or if pregnancy would put me at risk of dying and stuff.

    But personally I wouldn’t mind, if it’s something we both wanted and the end game was to form a family, then I would love that kid as if it had came out of vagina.

  4. Definitely a discussion that is currently on the table in my relationship and I’m totally on board. I do have a strong desire to have a child with our DNA, but I want more then one child and I’m completely happy with adopting. However, I am not the right person to foster a child (at least I don’t believe so currently) so it would have to be a specific type of adoption for me to feel secure.

  5. Honestly I’d be very happy, mostly because I can’t conceive kids. But honestly I’m not sure if I want kids. I fucking love kids, and I think I’d be a great mom, but I also looked after two kids full time for four years and it kind of broke me in lots of ways. Granted, it was extreme circumstances in a toxic/sometimes abusive environment where I had little agency or control, but even accounting for that, kids take *so* much energy and time, and I’d want to feel very confident I have all of my shit permanently together before jumping back into a parental role.

  6. I’d also be very happy!! I don’t want to go through the pains of child birth. Plus, I have a blood disorder called Factor IV Liden that causes really bad blood clots and pregnancy can increase that.. I would love to give a child needing a loving family just that.

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