What 3 items will you bring with you if you must live on a deserted island for 5 years?

  1. I’m going to cheat on this one. My first item would be my fully loaded camping / Bug out bag. I take it everywhere and it has pretty much everything i would need at least for awhile

    Five years worth of palleted long term storage safe food

    If the island has fresh water on it I’d take a small boat as the third item so I could fish. If it doesn’t have fresh water than I would take a water desalination filter.

  2. A book on wilderness survival. A wilderness survival kit. First aid kit.

    I know it’s not particularly a “fun” answer. But 5 years is a long time to die. I’m going to give myself every chance not to.

  3. If I could know where the island would be, a waterproof & for resistant regional survival book for that area, a steal spear with removable knife (handle wrapped thick with paracord), and probably a magnifying glass in a sturdy case

    It also kinda depends on what sort of natural supplies the island would have..

  4. Ok so I’m assuming… I can’t leave the island & it’s has easily accessible food, fresh water & building supplies for a good hut. Plus there won’t be any sort of need for medical attention.

    Im bringing… A large knife w/ self containing fire striker, a cast net & a woman companion that won’t become pregnant.

    Until there’s a routine.. it’ll be about survival… once survival isn’t the focus… passing the time will be the main concern.

  5. An impossible to damage soccer ball, an impossible to damage guitar, a laptop with Football Manager on, a means where I could somehow charge it, and a nice pillow 😅

  6. Supposing nothing I can get off the island with. A knife, fire source. Depends on the island and what I can kill to each. But probably a projectile implement.

  7. 1.Massive container full of long lasting food and drinks in cans etc.
    2. Massive container with power generator, tools like hatchet, saw, nails etc.
    3. Massive container with bed and female lingery model on it.

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