I’m not asking if squirt is urine, I don’t care if it is. I’m wondering, how do you tell the difference between the act of squirting and just accidentally peeing? Does it feel different?

Last night I used one of those suction toys and when I came, liquid gushed out. It felt great, and left about a hand-sized wet spot in my sheets. This has never happened to me before. I went to the bathroom right after and still peed.

I’d like to hear from people who have squirted before, thanks 🙂

  1. Squirting is an involuntary expulsion of urine so to answer your question, it is essentially the same thing.

  2. As a man who absolutely loves both squirting and pee play, I will tell you from experience that the two are NOT the same. The fluids don’t taste, smell, look, or feel the same.

    That said, squirting can absolutely include some percentage of urine. My easiest test is this – if the bed smells like ammonia, it’s pee. By the morning, the scent will be strong and you’ll have to change the sheets. If it doesn’t, it’s squirt, and the sheets won’t stink the next day.

    In my experience, true squirting usually does not manifest in powerful streams that shoot three feet across the room. Instead, it’s water pistol type bursts, or even a rush of fluid that just sort of falls out. Concentrated powerful bursts are usually pee.

    According to my wife, the two feel very different. However, squirting isn’t always pleasurable – I remember when we met a guy that could make her produce STUPID amounts of fluid via fingering within about 45 seconds of starting, and he could make her do it again and again and again. But it didn’t actually feel particularly good, and she wasn’t orgasming.

    Usually, if you empty your bladder right before sex and you still produce a lot of fluid, it’s probably squirting. It won’t smell like ammonia. It won’t be yellow. It will still be slick (pee is like water, the slickness does away). It won’t have the same bitter/ammonia flavor.

    Again, it can contain some pee, especially if you are pushing out hard, you can push out some pee with it.

  3. Rule of thumb, if there’s any pressure behind it. I E *squirting* out of you, it’s fluids from the bladder.

    If it”s a sudden increase in wetness. It’s more likely fluids from vaginal glands. Those fluids come out kinda like sweat as far as I understand so there’s no pressure behind it.

  4. if it tastes like vaginal fluids and smells like vaginal fluid thats squirting.

    The 3-4 times I have truly squirted I did not pee at all after as i emptied my bladder beforehand. The other few times? Unfortunately I peed.

    The funny part is the sensation occurs exactly the same. I’m curious if both were “squirts” but one was interrupted by having a full bladder.

    In conclusion……. The fact you peed right after makes me think it was pee. Try emptying your bladder beforehand and seeing if a fluid comes out during ejaculation. If it does? I believe that is actually squirting.

  5. > I’m wondering, how do you tell the difference between the act of squirting and just accidentally peeing? Does it feel different?

    I’m assuming the difference is whether you were having an orgasm at the time

  6. It’s a different sensation. I’ve only squirted a handful of times and it doesn’t even feel the same as peeing. It’s intense for me and I don’t even know it’s going to happen until I gush.

  7. To me squirting feels like a gush of warmth and wetness, doesn’t feel like peeing to me

  8. I have that one special lady (no longer together) that.I made squirt for her 1st time. “STOP…You’re splashing me…” she said (In between gasps for breath… by the 3rd explosive cum… she had quit complaining and was eagerly trying to pull her own nipples off!! So hott.

  9. Jesus Christ people get so riled up about this. I have no clue why people chose this hill to die on but opinions are like assholes I suppose.

    Did you enjoy it? Did you find it pleasurable? Then it doesn’t matter what you call it.

  10. I’ve only squirted once. It was a really intense orgasm and did not even remotely smell like urine. It also felt eerily similar to when my water broke during labor (fluids-wise). It was just a big gush of wetness that came leaking (not spraying) out of my vagina and made a big puddle in the bed. It was clear and smelled/tasted just like vaginal fluid. No odor in the morning either. And I definitely peed a lot after we finished.

  11. Sounds like a squirt. Congrats, you are waking the beast within you!

    Peeing and squirting feel different. a squirt does not feel like a tinkle. Squirts are even different from each other. They don’t always come from the same place. Sometimes, there is like a deep gush, like wetness, but more like a flood. Then there is the squirt (porn kind), which seems to be the most compared to pee. But those two feel very different, and neither one feels like peeing.

    Like you. I am always able to go pee after sex. so clearly, the bladder isn’t being drained. At least not for me.

    The first time I did, I was so confused as to what was physically happening to my body. Because I knew I was flooding the place, but I also knew I was not peeing.

    Get a waterproof blanket and have a great time! Don’t worry about little reddit internet trolls that can’t make a person cum, let alone sqirt. They’re the same ones that think it’s pee and don’t understand how it’s different from an orgasm. Which squirting feels amazing, but not an orgasm. Coupled with an orgasm, that shit makes me needy and very tired!

    Have fun making a mess!

  12. The number of people who know nothing at all and are so blatantly incorrect about a particular topic, as demonstrated in this thread and this subreddit in general, is way too damn high.

    They go on to quote some pieces that don’t even touch upon the subject matter covered here.

    There is a difference between female ejaculation and squirt liquid. Female prostate glands produce the creamy, white substance that makes up female ejaculation, which typically comes out in very small amounts. it happens independently from squirting, which is a clear liquid.

    Squirting, which is what the OP is referring to, is, again, unrelated to ejaculation, originates in the bladder.A urine with marginal %(0.01%) of other substance. So 99.99% pee. Science-based proof.

  13. I think the most important thing is if you’re with a partner who cares either way. I had a partner who would make me sleep on the floor for squirting, because he told me I was peeing the bed. Had another who embraced it and did everything he could to facilitate it. It’s all about who understands you.

  14. Learn how to use your vaginal muscles. You’ll become a professional! Practice your kegals while you’re peeing. You’ll learn about your body better and be able to differentiate between peeing and squirting. You don’t have to orgasm to squirt but you do have to be aroused. Knowledge is key! Congratulations!

  15. I’ve often wondered this. When I’ve had this happen, it’s always weird because I’m in no way cumming, I never cum from PIV, but I also feel no control over it happening

  16. its not cum LMAO an its not different porn stars drink a lot of water before they start squirting LMAO did you read my last post an create a new post LMAO you just made my day

  17. Well it definitely is a different feeling to me. I can feel when I’m about to squirt, it’s like a build up and I push to release it resulting in a heavy gush. I don’t believe I urinated while masturbating before but the more you do it the more you can tell them apart.

  18. I squirt every time I have sex (daily and sometimes more than once a day). If I’m hydrated it’s odorless, if I’m not, it’s yellow. It’s from the bladder and the skene’s gland.
    You do not have to orgasm to squirt but it’s a beautiful feeling nonetheless. I squirt many times, randomly throughout the whole time of each sexual encounter. I also squirt from both clitoral and vaginal stimulation. Ask if you have any questions, OP.

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