How do I meet friends in my situation

18m here, I’ve got a group of friends from school but in school I was part of the “nerd kids” but ever since I left and don’t see them as often I’ve just wanted to go out and do something literally anything! But my “friends” would rather sit on Xbox and play games until 3 am and complain about everything. I’ve known them for a long time but they’re so anti social it’s kinda getting to me now. I’m 18 everyone my age are at clubs going to pubs going on lads holidays ya know.. and all I can do is go out by myself which can be ok for the first week when your learning to do stuff by yourself. Also to mention I go to a college that’s very far from my home and don’t drive yet so I can’t go see the friends from there and plus everyone in my class at college wants nothing to do with anyone else. So my question is what do I do? Where do I go? I just want to go out and do something, I’ve tried Meetup but all events near me are full of people that’s are ALWAYS 30+ years old. Where do I meet other teenagers?

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