what’s the most painful thing you’ve ever lived through?

  1. My wife and son almost died when giving birth. I’ve never felt so helpless.

    A second is getting tear gassed and tazed for a paycheck.

  2. The first year after my parents divorce. I was around 13-14 years old at the time, Saturday morning playing a game. My brother laying bed on his tablet.
    My dad came home at 11 am, which I found odd because he went to work at 9am and comes back around 8pm.
    He waved with a smile to his face to me and in a split second he broke my mom’s bedroom door and took her iPhone (she had an affair). I took my brother and myself out of the apartment and had to call my aunt (dad’s sister) and we stayed at my aunts place for a week.
    That year was rough because every waking moment someone from my maternal/paternal side were talking to me and my brother about who was in the wrong, and what led to the divorce, whose side I should pick. It was the worse year of my life and I told my extended family “I didn’t fucking come here to discuss sides, I came here to take my mind of things, but if you’re just gonna do this, then I’m out of here and I’ll leave by myself”

  3. A ruck with a fractured femur

    A grueling 12 mile ruck that was, wasn’t until after I found out I had a fracture in the strongest bone in the human body and that it was life threatening.

    It hurt like a motherfucker

  4. A toxic relationship for 6 years. She was abusive mentally and physically. It ruined me.

  5. one of my best friends dying at a monster truck show in the mid 1990s. he was outside the second story coliseum and speculators say he was either standing on the ledge or someone pushed him over. one of my friends who went with him said his eyes were purple when they put him in the ambulance. he didn’t die instantly because he landed on the trash cans. he was placed on life support for 2 days and didn’t make it. if he had survived he would have been a vegetable. i still feel miserable about the entire thing because i know if i had been there i could have protected him. that same year all my childhood friends slowly moved away. that same year my brave sister was able to tell my aunt that our stepdad had been raping her. our stepdad was widely known because he worked for the city. he was convicted the same year and given a prison sentence. our family name was run through the mud overnight and our landlord showed us no sympathy. my mom had to quickly find herself and 3 kids a place to live. my older brother would have lived there too but had mental health issues and was sent to another state for rehab. my poor brother was in mental institutions for 6 years through most of his teen years. we went from a nice house and neighborhood to living in one of the worst ghetto neighborhood apartments with a high crime rate.

    hurricane katrina was horrible as well. we had no electricity or cell phone service for 3 days. thankfully my brother found us a hotel to stay at. we have to drive around broken fences and fallen power lines hoping we didn’t get electrocuted. you could smell the stench of death all along the gulf coast 5 days after we returned. we received help from the red cross and then eventually fema helped all of my family members in the coming weeks. our family never was the same afterwards with us all living in fema trailers.

  6. Detoxing from severe alcoholism. Even with around the clock medical attention and drugs I almost died twice. Be careful with booze gentlemen

  7. Shat a log that I thought ripped something internal by being so massive. It refused to break apart and then clogged the toilet as a last ‘fuck you.’

    Never again will I eat two grand slams, two grandpa burgers, and a strawberry milkshake.

  8. Kidney stones. The only time I’ve ever vomited from pure pain. Nurse told me she’d rather give birth. She’d done both and said kidney stones are worse. Then they gave me the joyful juice and I slept for a day. Funnily enough, when the stone exited, it didn’t hurt that bad, but going from the kidney to the bladder was horrendous.

  9. Physical: L5-S1 vertebral disc pressing on sciatic nerve.

    Emotional: wife passed away after 32 years marriage at age 54 from post surgical complications resulting from adverse side effects of prescription treatment for her lifelong Type 1 diabetes, a product that is heavily advertised in the US.

  10. I’ve never told anybody this, so let’s overshare with a bunch of strangers on the internet (***TRIGGER WARNING***):

    On the way home from working late one night ~6 years ago, myself and another car approximately 50 yards or so behind me were on the interstate when a drunk driver crossed the median, hit the other car head on at full speed, killing everyone involved. I was the first person on the scene of that wreck because of where & when it happened. I put several beach towels I had in my car over the deceased mother and the decapitated ~8-y/o boy in the back of the car.

    The first responders were more than generous. One of the cops kept in touch for awhile afterwards to make sure I was okay (he sees that kinda shit on a regular basis and still made the time to be awesome…). The image from that night is permanently burned into my memory…just had to learn to handle it appropriately.

  11. My parents divorce. Being neglected by my father and having to deal with my overbearing emotional mother. Still affects me to this day as an adult

  12. Chronic migraines. Every 6 or 7 days is a trip up the excruciating pain scale if I can’t get to the meds fast enough.

  13. Scabies. For almost two years of the constant itching. And I had one of the worst cases of it as a demotrologist once said. And he was right.

  14. Physically? Getting my wisdom teeth removed. The dentist literally tried to rip them out for like 3 minutes before he resorted to drilling them first.

    Emotionally? Seeing my mom wail once she heard my dad passed away.

  15. Cut off my finger tip (really more like crushed it off) between my bike chain and sprocket

    But that wasn’t the most painful part, that would be the first time I changed the bandages…. The gauze was stuck to the inside of my finger.. I cried like a bitch.. It hurt so bad and it was nerves that aren’t usually exposed so it was like inside my finger and outside that was hurting…

    Everything I think about it(like now) I have flashbacks and can almost feel the pain…. The crunching of my bone, the “oh shit” feeling of when I realized what happened, the feeling when the doctor tossed the severed tip into the trash in front of me, the slow ripping of gauze off the socket where the bone used to be…… And then the bandaids or gauze that I used for like the next month… And the numb/tingly feeling I had for like a year afterwards… And the phantom itches on the missing tip

  16. Physically: broke my arm and dislocated my shoulder playing football (soccer)
    Emotionally: witnessing my dog dying like the last breath he took and everything stopped after that

  17. Physically? Lumbago. Pain made me literally unable to stand up.

    Close second when I spilled half a liter (two coffe mugs) of boiling tea on my dick and right tigh. Through tight pants that soaked and stuck to the body. Then ripped these pants off along with some skin because the soaking was already reacheing my balls. Second degree burns everywhere, my dick looked like ginger root. No permanent damage, though.,

  18. Dislocated and shattered both shoulders at the same time.

    I win.


    Pain experimentation done by Nazi’s used to see who would live or die from this injury.

  19. Girlfriend cheating on me. I’ve known her for 13 years, dated for a couple months. It was the betrayal that hurt the most. And the fact that she never said sorry. Turns out I didn’t know her that well.

  20. Physically: a Severe Charlie Horse

    Emotionally: (Still recovering) my ex breaking up with me. We were together for 4 years (5 years would of been next month). I really want to scream into the abyss or get a hug from someone. We broke up on shitty terms that ended up turning very bad.

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