I’m a tall man (187 cm), and i don’t why a lot of women from work and other places thinks that just because I’m tall i have a huge dick. Sometimes they ask the size saying things like “how big is it? 20cm? 22?” or “i bet you use your dick to catch some mangoes”.

Anyway, things like that destroy my confidence, cause i don’t know, i think my 13-14cm dick will be disappointing to any woman cause the expectations…

I’m old, i have 35 y/o and i’m single for 7 months, but this started to bother me from nowhere to the point to avoid any relationship, sexually or not.

  1. Well, think of it like this – your stuck with it. Big, small, average, your stuck with it. Getting uncomfortable about something you can’t change is a waste of energy and time. Besides, big dick energy isn’t always good energy – its the way you use it.

  2. If you’re telling the truth it’s average size, not small, and it doesn’t actually matter. Everything else matters so much more. Guys with a big dick who think that’s all they need are the absolute worst. Most important thing is to be in tune with the woman. If you’re really charming and tuned in and confident/assertive you could have a gherkin and it wouldn’t matter.

  3. If you’re worried that the lack of giant genitals “will be disappointing to any woman because of expectations,” learn/realize that your genitals are not the only (or even the best) way to blow her mind.

  4. Just try to ignore dick size, the right lady won’t care and you can’t change it so you just gotta send her

  5. Average is 4.5In to 5.25In or 13-14cm So you’re perfectly average- women don’t know how to use a tape measure. And they are well know to use this against us as a weapon cos most guys are not self confident or even know what is normal.

  6. Try to focus on how you use it and the rest of your body. I personally say, if they’re really pushing, it’s a bit below average but I know how to use every inch of it. You will find so much more enjoyment for yourself and partner if you focus more on that, and it’ll definitely help your confidence. For example, a friend of mine has a micropenis who still keeps his partner *more* than satisfied in bed, and absolutely loves it himself.

  7. let me help you out here: they were dropping hints to get you in the sack.

    the least you could do is return the favor and say things like id like to taste your peach.

    you should be owning that shit!

    its never about the size, its how you use it. great lovers are made not born if you can give her orgasm or a all nighter she wont be worried about the size.

  8. Ok, where in the world do chicks say things like this, apparently those who aren’t really close enough to you to justify it? And where is 35 “old”.?

    I love these cultural questions bc they just inadvertently reveal so much about the culture itself.

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