Hi, I met this girl at an event and we started dating 3 months ago. She recently asked if we could be committed, and I said we could be friends because of an excuse. She did not want that and for it to be sexual so I agreed on starting a commitment. The thing is, we have very compatible personalities and come from similar backgrounds; however, I do not think I’m attracted to her like I am other women and end up spending too much money when I’m with her. I want to be a gentlemen, so I pay for the food, uber, other things, and have a better financial position than her, but at this rate of spending we will both be broke. I got to my financal standards by being frugal. I feel like it may be better for my future to not be with her because I do not think I’m attracted to her like other women and spend too much money being with her, but also we have so much in common and her personality is amazing so I feel like she would be a great partner from that standpoint, and I genuinely enjoy hanging out with her when we do. Also, I haven’t orgasmed with her having sex, but I have alone with masterbation and have easily with porn. I think my ability to do it with her in person would improve our relationship.

TL;DR: Ultimately, I am conflicted on maintaining my relationship with my now girlfriend because of my interest in other women, bad spending with her, and want to be with her long-term because of her background and personality. Please provide advice, and thank you in advance.

1 comment
  1. i dont get it you said you’re doing all this for sex and agreed to be her partner yet you arent very attracted to her sexually. so what’s even the point? why even do it for the sex then? im not gonna knock you for being with her for sex like most people here will, cus who really cares.
    but if you aren’t very attracted to her then it just won’t work out. whether people like to admit it or not sexual attraction is make or break in a relationship, doesnt matter about personality or how well you get along if so. i hate telling people to break things off in here cus im obviously not there and it wouldnt be fair, but if im in your shoes im prob doing that

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