24 y/o F, 130 lbs – 2 nights ago I was anally masturbating with a 5.5 inch dildo. I made sure to use plenty of lube, I did it for about 40 minutes or so, starting slow and gradually moving quicker. I did take it out and reinsert sort of frequently, which leads me to believe that my issue is just trapped gas. I had no pain during this entire time.

Anyways, immediately following it I had very minor cramps in my mid to upper abdomen, I hesitate to even call them cramps, its just a minor discomfort. This feeling continued into the night. When I woke up the following morning (16 hours after) I had those same cramps, I had no cramps below the belly button so I really didn’t worry. I had a bowel movement and it was fine, no pain, no constipation, normal feces. Later that day I had slightly (very slightly) more pronounced cramps in my upper abdomen, and some just below my sternum. I chalked it off as just gas moving throughout my GI tract. I farting and burping frequently, but I still can feel gas in my abdomen.

These cramps continued the rest of the day and were accompanied by a sort of tightness in my abdomen, like I did sit ups or something. The next morning (now 40 hours after) I still have the same cramps, and my flatulence continues, I am burping or farting at least once or twice every few minutes, which I don’t know if its a good thing. All the while my temperature and heart rate are normal. It is now 44 hours after and I still have that same feeling and mild cramps in my abdomen.

I assume its just trapped gas, but it’s lasted 2 days and I’m starting to get worried. I researched and found out that there is a possibility that it could be a rectal tear or perforation. I am worried that it hit the “back” of the rectum and caused a small tear. I don’t think this is likely because 1. Is no blood in my stool, 2. I felt no pain when I was doing it, and no pain at all really now (I understand that it comes on gradually, but its been 44 hours so I figured it would have happened by now) 3. I am passing gas by farting and burping, so there shouldn’t be a tear. I am just still worried though because what if some of the gas is leaving my colon and entering my body cavity, and that’s why I feel gassy. I don’t display any of the symptoms of it, no pain, no fever, normal heart rate etc. I am just confused why I am still feeling gassy, even though its been 2 days.

1 comment
  1. I’d just consult a doctor, it’s going to be impossible for people to diagnose you remotely via reddit,

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