So I’m going to a party this week, but I don’t know anyone there. I’m socially awkward, I don’t know how to start conversations with strangers. What am I going to do if everyone there is already in a group of people and I’m there standing awkwardly in a corner without knowing what to do or say?
It’s my first time going to a “big” party and as far as I know, most of the people there are going to drink alcohol and I don’t like drinking, is this also going to be a problem when interacting or trying to have fun? I don’t know what to do, please help.
If it helps, I’m 16 and the people there are around the same age, I guess it’s going to be even harder…

  1. Don’t you at least know whoever invited you to this party? This is exactly why I started drinking alcohol at age 16. For the liquid courage. I didn’t develop social skills properly because from age 13 & up I had very bad acne. Since I am very self conscious,the acne made me shy. A lot has happened since I was 16 years old. I am 41 years old and since age 16 I used alcohol & illegal drugs/illegally diverted narcotic pharmaceuticals to socialize,approach/ hit on women I was attracted to. It’s only been 2 1/2 years I have been a law abiding citizen. I’ve been using legally prescribed narcotics & controlled Substance medications correctly & not drinking any alcohol. I have only made 2 nerve wracking attempts at getting ladies phone numbers. I failed,but was so happy I tried. Anyways a lot of my personality has gone right back to that shy 15 year old boy that I once was. I’m right back in the same predicament as you are today. We have to just do it & try to talk with the people we want to talk with. If you can force yourself to do it,especially without alcohol,which is the better solution in the long run. You will be able to tell if the people or person is interested in talking to you.

  2. That is tricky. I only ever went to one party where I knew no one.

    Don’t go early. Find the host and say Hi and thanks for the invite. They’ll likely greet you and show food, drinks, where to put things down, etc.

    I spent some time on my phone in line for the bathroom. Did a game of solitaire in there. Talked to people in line. Said great party, why’s the line so long, wish there was another bathroom, etc.

    Later said hi to someone I chatted with while in line. Started with Hi, I am MYNAME, I didn’t catch your name earlier. Then did the where are you from chat. Said nice meeting you and walked away. Got a snack, chatted with someone about the snack.

    Found the host and thanked them again for great party. Asked if there was anyone I should know. There was, it all went better from there.

    Just roll with it.

    Ps. I used to drink water at parties and people thought it was vodka. I did drink vodka once straight over ice and people tasted it and hated it. After that they never tried my drink again.

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