What improved your looks?

  1. Gym (improved mental health as well), more healthy hygiene, thinking better (trust me it helps), personality helps, smile more, find a barber get a haircut that works for your hair type/texture & head shape, also be well groomed

  2. My glasses. I never liked my face, I always felt something was missing, turns out, it was my glasses lol.

    Genuinely, it improved my confidence.

  3. Actually taking care of my facial hair. I grow a very large and thick red beard (think the men from the movie brave). Started washing my face properly and using beard oil then *boom*: I don’t look as unapproachable and mean.

  4. Dressing age appropriately is the easiest difference a man can make. So many guys are rocking clothes from high school like graphic Ts and on the opposite end there’s guys who dress like they’re already a dad.

  5. * Braces
    * Retinol and hialuronic acid serums for the face
    * Vitamin supplements for skin, hair, etc
    * Working out
    * Minoxidil for the beard
    * Shaving
    * Weekly haircut
    * Well-fitting clothes
    * Sleeping 8+ hours
    * Wearing a hat (I have balding hairline)

  6. I stopped wearing hats all the time.

    Started getting a receding hairline and so I cut my hair really short. I started wearing hats more often. One day I washed the hats and they had a horrible smell so I couldn’t wear them all week.

    That week I become more comfortable without a hat. I noticed myself getting more attention without hats.

    Now that I think about it people who wear hats all the time can seem more closed off and sus.

    Hope this helps 🙂

  7. Dont know. I’ve never changed my looks and I’ve had some women all my life compliment me, hit on me, ask for my number or to be their boyfriend and approach me.

    So I don’t see if there really is any point for me to improve.. I’m by no means a male model but I do just fine. Maybe getting more lean might help but apart from that. 🤷

  8. Workout

    A good skincare and hair care routine

    A balanced diet

    Eat lots of fruits and veggies, you need those vitamins


    A good cologne that you like

    Drink a lot of water

    Good quality jeans(I wear jeans every time I’m out of the house)

    A shirt that fits your body shape

    A good smile

  9. Styling my hair every morning and working out with a focus on my arms and shoulders.

  10. Gym. Diet. Getting older. Starting to fix my psychological problems, so that I am less stressed.

  11. Gym, cutting sugar, hydration, better clothes, a good barber cut and any half decent hygiene routine. Another one that helps more than you’d expect is getting an appropriate amount of sleep but I find that the most difficult if you’re a busy person.

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