I worked as sales in a big company. I never hurt anyone there or gave attitude to anyone . After I left my friend there called me and said that a coworker was saying how evervone in the store hated me !!! How I am a weird crazv person . I am a very sensitive person and touchy-feely as well btw . They said how I had two mental breakdowns in front of costumers! Like what the fuck! I have anxiety attacks al the time! I also want to mention that they called me fucking crazy and weird for just being me ! Being myself..! I cant step a foot in that place ever again I am just heart broken * I thought being nice and sweet will make everyone love me not hate me! dont know what did wrong.

I literally call everyone babe / hun / love .. literally everyone! Just because I have a memory of a gold fish , hence I don’t remember names ..

The thing is I like a guy there and I believe he likes me too ! I am depressed that he might get influenced and hate me too

Please help me. where did I go wrong

Btw I have ADHD and anxiety so I am a hyper person .. very approachable.. hugs everyone , helps everyone, literally laughs all the time / I goof around at work all the time because that who I am . I never like to be serious or a bitch

  1. I resonate with this and all I can say is people are cliquey and when one person of a clique might not like you, when they announce it the others will go along and may even believe they didn’t like you either when really they’re just going along and probably never had an opinion of you.

    Similarly, you could just not have fit with that clique and they’re shitty for talking shit like that. I worked at a restaurant and left on good terms and when I left I had a similar experience… With only 2 people saying they still appreciated our relationship and remained in my life. I was just being myself.

    I’m still on this journey but there will be people who you get along with and they won’t reciprocate, and there’s nothing you can do about that.

  2. That’s so hurtful to hear, I’m sorry!

    One thing to keep in mind though is that not everyone likes to be touched and hugged, especially not by people they don’t feel a certain closeness to. It won’t make people like you more if they already don’t yet like you all that much. Feeling like their personal boundaries are being violated is likely to make them like you less. I think it would be good to work on keeping your impulses for physical affection in check in any workplace.

  3. You don’t want the people who would judge you harshly for your flaws to be your friends anyway. I’ve known people who were seen as “queit” and “weird” and finding the right approach to them really allowed them to open up and be really cool and likeable. Sorry to hear that happened to you, but don’t pay attention to people that act like assholes.

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