I really love people and interacting with them, I’ve always been a person who liked to talk and make people laugh, I was always talkative with people I felt comfortable with, even tho i was shy w strangers. But I started developing social anxiety at age 14, and over time it got so bad I had to drop out of school. I remember not leaving the house for months… and I mean this, I spent months waking up and just leaving the room for the kitchen and bathroom. My relatives thought I had depression but I was never really depressed, I was just trapped in crippling anxiety, nothing much.

With the quarantine, oddly enough, I didn’t get worse on the contrary, I found strength to start focusing on myself by doing exercises and improving my appearance, which helped with my confidence and I started to get less anxious in public again.
The problem now is, I’m just able to be in public that’s all, I completely lost that personality I had, and any ability to bond with people or social skills since I don’t have a personality. I spent a lot of time worrying about how I looked as it seemed to be the only way I could be in social circles again and yk leave my room… and not look like a total failure to my family and friends, but like… afterall what’s the point if I’m not the person I used to be, who had lots of things to talk about and was outgoing and funny.

I’m starting college next week, I know the things they say about college, but I’m putting a lot of hope in that maybe it’s a place where I can find myself again, maybe meet people who help me with that, I just don’t want to let this fear ruin yet another opportunity in my life.

(Oh and i’m going to study psychology, ironic I know)

  1. Only read part of this but yes, start college.

    Think of it like this… You draw a small circle on a piece of paper, this is you. you now draw a bigger circle around you, the small circle. The bigger circle represents anxiety. (Actually do this)

    How big is this circle away from you, is it restricting or is it vast? If it’s vast, how many things can fit in this space? Friends, work opportunities, travel opportunities, money, self development. It is endless.

    Is your anexity circle so restricted that these amazing things can’t fit in?…

    If you hold yourself back from opportunity, people and life then your anxiety circle is controlling everything. It is restricting your chances of growth and keeping you in a compressed circle of comfort.

    Whilst comfort feels safe, you don’t need to challenge yourself, feel scared. Embrace it. Wouldn’t you rather have a huge circle of comfort, filled with opportunities and people who could become your best friends?

    Push your anxiety circle outwards and be excited for what can enters the space.

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