Men,how do you know if she loves you back.

  1. It’s a tricky one. It’s best to look for signs of her investing in you and your relationship, like spending time with you, expressing her emotions and thoughts, making future plans, and generally taking an active interest in your life. To be sure, communication is key: if you can share your feelings and plans with each other openly and honestly, it’s likely she’s feeling the same way about you. Good luck!

  2. Insecurities will destroy the relationship I sense

    Ready for a relationship you are not

    Not deserving of love you may think you are

    Look inside yourself you must

    Learn you must to love yourself, in order to see the love others have for you.

  3. If she tilts her head slightly and and sometimes they even play with their hair.

  4. She kisses me, hugs me, smiles at me, holds my hand, sings with me in the car, spends her time with me, cooks for me, laughs at my jokes, let’s me put my pee-pee in her hoo-hah.

    That sort of shit.

  5. Does she make you coffee in the morning does she suck your dick on command, Will she travel an hour to see you. Genuine burning desire. Those are a few indicators ask yourself if your check would do that if she wouldn’t she doesn’t love you

  6. when you have a medical issue, her first concern isnt whether your Will and Life Insurance are up to date

  7. Because she’ll wear your favorite color
    Just so she can match your eyes
    Rent a private picnic by the fire’s glow! Ohhh!

  8. This is how you know she loves you back:

    1. You lose your job, and she stands by you.
    2. You have to change careers, which means less income, and she stands by you.
    3. You are required to move to a poorer neighbourhood, and she stands by you.
    4. You have some form of mental illness, and she still stands by you and supports you through your recovery.
    5. She brings you food and drinks when she knows you need cheering up.
    6. She never, ever, ever cheats or is disloyal.
    7. She does not trade you in if she becomes more highly-paid than you.


    1. Sickness and in health.
    2. Richer for poorer.
    3. Better or worse.

    Then, if she can wholeheartedly agree to the wedding vows, you know she loves you back.

  9. when she’s comfortable enough to open up about anything. if she’s sleeping with only you around it means she trusts her life in your hands. don’t blow it.

  10. That’s the fun part, you never really do.

    Seriously though, I’m currently single but from my experiences with my ex primarily it is the look in her eyes when she looks at me, the way her body responds to mine while holding her, and the feeling of a real emotional connection with her, particularly during sex. It’s also how she shows up for you in life. No one’s perfect and we all fall short in one area or another of our partners expectations of us, but a big thing for me would be how she responds to my emotions when I share them, how she responds when I say I need help with something, and how much it seems she missed me when I come back from being out of town.

  11. You’ll never know – Each day there’s a chance she may wake up and change her mind, start cheating with a “better option”, or evaluate you to be less than what she feels she’s owed and simply leave.

    “Buyer beware”

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