TL;DR boyfriend told me im unattractive should lose weight before and does not make me feel loved when i try to talk with him about whats hurting me he turns it into a situation where i comfort him because he feels so bad for the dings he did(he still never changes and when im unhappy and i am crying he just goes to sleep or ignores my messages)

Hey so i am a 18 year old female suffering from borderline so things are already a bit harder and more emotional for me anyway.Problem is, my boyfriend told me before we started dating that he thinks i have a pretty face but that im totally not his type and that he doesnt feel any kind of attraction towards me but still thinks he could be in love with me. A few days later he told me he doesnt like me romantically at all and that i dont fit in his dream of a girlfriend. This happend multiple times one day he said he thinks he loves me and the nex day he would talk about a different girl lets call her maria. He often chose maria over me and she totally fits into his type.

Now at some point he claims to be sure about his feelings we kinda date for a while and start a relationship. Problem is he doesnt make me feel loved at all and even when he says he loves me it feels empty i cant feel his love i almost only feel affection when we are cuddling or when he sleeps with me. now recently he said he wishes i was skinnier (i am not overweight) and not only that he also lies to me and always makes promises that he breaks.when im crying and im sad he usually just goes to sleep or it ends with me comforting him the other day i had enough and told him how hes hurting me and it ended with him drinking and wanting to do something really stupid so i ended up comforting him again.On two occasions after he broke up(wirh the reason he would be not good for me(he always comes back saying he needs me after putting me trough awful heartbreaks)) he texted maria trying to stay in closer contact again telling her he missed her. he is really unempathetic towards me and never changes anything. i love him what should i do? (English is not my first language i apologize)

1 comment
  1. You’re young and you’re fun. Don’t be abused by anyone no matter what. This was never a relationship.

    Focus on yourself and work on your weight if that’s something you’re insecure about.

    Now is the time for inner reflection, not abusive relationships.

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