I’ve been seeing him for a more than a year but we’ve been official for 4 months now. I’m female 21 hes male 23. I have an eating disorder (bulimia) and it’s been the worse it’s ever been and I feel like he’s not really there for me. I’m not blaming it on him I should get help and fix it myself but I would just like it if I didn’t feel so lonely throughout the process. When I have an episode he calls me and talks to me but he never comes to see me and comfort me in person. He only lives 15-20 minutes away. I understand that he’s busy and can’t drop everything to come see me but he never has even once come to see me after an episode. The most recent one was just before I started typing this post and I messaged him saying that I’ve been feeling really sick and I’ve been binging and purging all day and he’s at his parents house which is 40 minutes away and he was planning to help his dad with something tomorrow and drive back to my place tomorrow afternoon but I thought he’d just come tonight instead after knowing that I feel so bad but no. I don’t get much emotional support from anyone so it’s really important that my boyfriend gives it to me so I don’t know if I should stay im this relationship. Am I asking for too much?

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