It was small, but still I’ve felt this way before. What is the best way to move on. I just hate feeling like I look dumb or like this stinging feeling won’t go away.

1 comment
  1. It’s okay. We create more pressure for ourselves at work unnecessarily. At the end of the day, people who are socially anxious tend to be more conscientious when it comes to work because they have all this anxiety going for them to get things done and they probably look to overcompensate with their work ethic what they cannot make up interpersonally. Give yourself permission to be you(as long as you get your work done). Gaffes are normal. Awkward moments are normal. It happens to the best of us. Don’t work yourself up over work stuff. You may not be the star at work. You may not have a presence at work. You may just be just the worker bee, but that’s you. If you have difficulties connecting with your co-workers, you may be passed up for a promotion. That’s okay too. Set realistic expectations. It’s okay to be dumb sometimes. It really is. It makes you human. It makes you real. It makes you more than just your job title. If you are having trouble at work, it’s okay. Figure out a strategy to get better at what you do. You have it in you. You’re not as different and weird as you make yourself out to be. You’re just fine.

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