All the time I hear others saying how they like hanging around with people who exude “good vibes”, or justify the judgments they make on others and also treat them based on their “vibe”, but yet, what on earth is a good or bad vibe and why nobody seems to agree on its definition?

I feel like in social settings, I get judged a lot based on whatever people think is my vibe and never really get to know me, maybe I have poor social skills, maybe the vibe is more of an aesthetic thing, or just unconscious bias that they cannot verbalize properly. It even sounds like something unattainable because no meaningful information is shared so that I can truly understand what is going on.

Please, I’d like to know what you think.

  1. It’s the unfair word that people with strong social security like to use to project their interpetation of someone onto them.

    I would say, if it’s a non-statement (like “weird vibe over here” or even “I like your vibe”), just treat it as if nothing was said. You get to choose who you are and how you act! Those people just aren’t putting fair thought into what they label you as, and regardless, their labels don’t matter.

  2. Essentially vibing is anytime when you and another person or group of people click. Like the way you talk to your best friend, your energies radiate off each other and you all equally feel and enjoy it. It’s associated a lot with being positive and of good personality

  3. If you want a more professional term that you can actually look up and work with, look up the psychological concept of “transference” and “counter-transference”. If you go into a social setting with a lot of anxiety and fear that others will reject you, they will subconsciously feel your fear and react to that in some way. They would either react with anxiety themselves, or feeling superior to you, or would actively make the decision not to join your “vibe” and to maintain their happy/safe vibe.

    Sometimes, the term “vibe” can also mean the overall character impression you get from someone.

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