Women who rejected a guy and he chose to stay friends with you after, what happened? Are you still friends? Did he find someone else?

  1. Kinda the reverse situation….he rejected me cuz he already had a crush on some1 else. We’re still friends tho. He got rejected by her as well but is still friends w/ her too

  2. Most of my long term guy friends have admitted to wanting to date me at some point. We move past it, they move on, we still talk and hangout occasionally. Most of them are married with kids, some single and some going through divorce. We keep in touch.

  3. He’s my best guy friend.

    He rejected me, then realized he made a mistake, but I was already with my current partner. I like us better as friends anyway and he said he wants me in his life any way possible.

    Years later, we both realize that we are perfect as friends. He’s single but dates.

    Some people can’t handle being friends and that’s okay too.

  4. He became super clingy and whiny when I started dating my now husband. Before I married my husband he told me that I owed it to him to be with him since he “put in so much effort to be with me and be my best friend.”

    This guy pretended to be my friend, basically. He was always hoping I’d eventually want him. He’s actually the reason I’m super selective about the men I’m friends with.

    We’re obviously not friends and have no contact. He has never had a girlfriend and still does not to this day that I’m aware of. He’s just alone. Living in his mom’s house. He’s 32.

  5. I introduced him to my close/childhood friend (I didn’t really intend to set them up, it actually kinda happened by chance and they hit it off), they’ve been dating for nearly 5years now 😀

    We’re really good friends (due to him also being close friends with my BF; we were all coworkers; and they used to wingmen each other before they met us amazing women lol). We’re really very similar (we’re more similar to each other than our SOs), and seeing as we’re both familiar with each others SOs, during the early stages of our relationships, gave each other advice on how to deal with them, an insight that could be helpful etc., which definitely brought us closer. I have brothers, and our relationship feels like that. Sometimes I even just meet up with lunch with him alone (something I wouldn’t do with a member of the opposite sex if it wasn’t completely platonic/non-romantic).

    We have group chats with all four of us on multiple apps,.. we regularly meet, double date, or meet up with our other friends too.

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