I’ve somehow managed to progress onto my first ever assessment centre for a graduate role and the nerves are building even though it is more than 2 weeks away.

Can the lovely people of AskUK provide me with some tips on how to do well? It will start in the morning and end around 3pm.

All I’ve been told is that I need to send a short PowerPoint presentation beforehand (I’m guessing I will have to talk about it on the day). Should I make a PowerPoint with bullet points and then I’ll explain these on the day or should I have a more in-depth PowerPoint?

I’m not very good in new social settings but it’s something I’ve got to so if there’s advice on how to manage nerves, I’d really appreciate it too!

It is a Graduate Cyber Security consultant role for a medium to large Technology company.

  1. Have they provided a topic.. when I did mine roughly 5 years ago, we were provided a topic..
    I used title and bullet points and then talked through it.. if you make it too wordy it distracts the interviewer from what you’re saying.

    Hopefully there isn’t a tonne of candidates.. I spoke with one or two on the day, as your some companies also gauge personality to see how you interact.. goodluck 😊

  2. Hi I have been an assessor at a graduate assessment centre for a large engineering company. Our candidates also had to do a presentation. Follow the brief. If it says short make it short. Focus on what’s relevant to the job ie your interest in the industry, your qualifications, your experience, how you have sought out things to grow your experience etc. talk a bit about your hobbies but not too much especially if they are not really relevant to the role. Try to get across a few key points and practice it in front of someone

    Learn a bit about the company from what you can find on the internet, that will show some interest. Also think of sensible questions to ask them if you can that shows interest also

    Also there will probably be personality type questions. So think of some good examples in your life when you were faced with a challenge, had to work in a team, went the extra mile etc etc
    Best of luck!

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