Hey all, I was just wanting some thoughts on my current situation with my boyfriend.

We have been together 5 months (first date was September and were exclusive from that point on). I am his first girlfriend, and he lost his virginity to me on our third date.

Things have been going well, I stay at his house on weekends.

However, today I asked him how he is feeling towards me and if he sees himself falling in love with me, to which he answered ‘it’s too early to say’ and that he ‘thinks there is the potential to.’ He said that he ‘didn’t feel any sparks flying’ when we met but saw ‘potential’ – is this a rude thing to say this far in?

Is this an appropriate answer? I feel hurt by it, but I don’t know if a valid reason to be. I think I am in love with him, but I don’t want to reveal that yet because he would feel pressured.

There is one other thing bothering me – he hasn’t mentioned me to his parents. We are both only children, so we are both close to our parents, which is why this is baffling me.

He has said that he will tell them, but when I bring it up he often tries to change the subject. I feel awkward bringing it up, as I don’t want to seem pushy or insensitive. However, I’m starting to think the reason he hasn’t told them is because there is something wrong with me (which is starting to manifest in my head).

I’m starting to feel like I’m just a convenience, and that if he was truly happy, he would tell them.

With Christmas gone, I would have thought he would have told them. But he didn’t and just said the topic of his love life didn’t come up – so he said nothing.

How do I approach this? Is this a potential red flag? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

tl;dr how long would you wait for someone to confess they loved you?

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