So I draw (if it wasn’t apparent), and I find myself just browsing my phone when bored when I could be more productive or make art. Just curious.

  1. Home remodeling, golf, fixing things, read like a fiend. Planning on getting into woodworking shortly.

  2. Some that I do that aren’t listed:

    **Geocaching**. Finding Tupperware in the woods using multibillion dollar satellites. I enjoy it because it takes me to places or to see things I might not otherwise see just wandering around. I also use it for my outdoorsy fix. /r/geocaching

    Cost: Free-ish with a smartphone with GPS and web access. Incidentals: Comfy/durable shoes, pens, band-aids. Caveat: while you did state you want to avoid screens, if you’re seeking out caches you’ll be paying more attention to where you’re waking than the phone.

    **Gunpla**. Gundam plastic models (Japanese robots). I did the model plastic cars when I was a kid. I saw these in stores for years and thought they were the most bizarre thing. Then I found one for eight bucks in Target (RX-78-2 entry grade) and figured why not. They are surprisingly intricate and decently well detailed. I’ve not really seen much of the media on which they’re based but I enjoy the building. /r/gunpla

    Cost: Starts around $10-20 US for a small model, maybe $10 for xacto knife/nippers (but all of the Entry Grade models do not require cutting)

    **D&D**. I have a weekly group found originally via a regional subreddit. We are virtual for now (one of the guys lives over 50 miles away) and it works for us.

    Cost: Basic instructions are free online. Dice apps are free.

  3. Vegetable gardening and gardening with native plants. Tough work but it really gives me something to look forward to and gives me a sense of accomplishment.

  4. Fishing, hiking, kayaking, project cars and motors, photography (I dont classify a camera as electronics. Its a tool for making art.)

  5. Pickleball is spreading quickly across the US as the go to casual sport. Its a great way to meet people due to the popularity. Its extremely fun and very approachable for people of almost any fitness level. Its like a combination of tennis and ping pong. Think tennis, but a much smaller court. And with wiffle balls and paddles instead of tennis balls and racquets. So addicting and amazingly fun!

  6. Woodworking (though my design work is done in Sketchup), skateboarding and D&D. Also started back in the gym four nights a week.

  7. Fly fishing, and guitar. Though I have electric guitars, not sure if that counts as an “electronic”.

  8. Ice hockey, firearms/shooting, surfing, working out, chess, cooking, reading books.

  9. Working on my project cars (and driving them) and playing hockey, ive been playing since I was 7 now I’m 36 dont ever plan on quitting

  10. LEGO. Granted, acquiring my Microfighter sets do take some time on the interwebs. But building them is a little moment of zen. I just wish I had the money and the space for more than just Microfighters.

  11. I could tell you a few my good sir. I absolutely love cycling (and I also realie I have MUCH more fun cycling when using a truly quality bike. Like it feels like you are gliding you know I think this is such an important point.)


    I also really do love snowboarding, and paintball.


    Writing is a big one for me as well.


    Also I like doing random scavenger hunts and dancing

  12. Cleaning and organizing the house. Reducing visual clutter so subconsciously I am relaxed when I’m home.

  13. I like to wake up early and walk to the beach to see the sunrise. Very location specific.

    I like cooking, trying to find recipes that taste good and don’t trigger my IBS. Juicing and blending too.

    I’m getting into sewing because I’m 6’7” and can’t find clothes that I want.

    I like reading, it’s a matter of continually trying different books and subject areas until I find what sticks for me at the moment, and not judging myself if I only read part of a book; reading is reading.

  14. Cooking, reading, mountain biking, working out, and training the dog. Would like to get into tent camping and being outdoors more.

  15. Disc golf, reading and cycling.

    I live in Michigan (kind of all over, love it here) and both have taken off in popularity everywhere I’ve lived the last 5 years (north, then grandrapids, now eastern-ish) disc golf has popped off everywhere here in Michigan (could be the legalization of weed, I just love playing in tourneys and leagues – I’m not very good but can putt well)

    Cycling is just nice for me and my son (lives with me sole custody). Nothing crazy, we got 2 road bikes and plenty of trails by my house.

    As for reading, a lot of “self help” I guess, last two books were “the world is fucked, a book about hope” extremely good read, couldn’t recommend it more. And now I’m onto “the subtle art of not giving a fuck”. Authors name is mark Manson, does great work, I’m about to finish the subtle art. I just picked up rich dad poor dad and another called “distracted” basically coins itself on getting off your ass and phone and doing shit.

    Currently dabbling in board games but only every other week with a small group every other week since november. Been in a winter fix on them lately but our group we play with is getting bored of them and want to get outside so we’re winding that back.

    As for future plans –

    I need to get out and go fishing this year more, plan on getting my son into that and lifting at the gym (he’s turning 13 and I want him to get into the gym now, only regret from my childhood).

    Also, given my degree in cnc technology and my son being a nerd I’m looking at 3d printers ATM.

  16. I move a power tool around in the garage and garden now and then. Maybe sizzle two bits of metal together or drill holes in wood. Sometimes I use a hammer but mostly just saw it.

  17. Growing cannabis. Home renovations. Fixing shitbox cars that should probably just be sent to the crusher.

  18. I don’t really do anything without electronics at all, but very minimal electronic usage in board games and hiking.

    All my woodworking is power tools, but I barely use my tablet/phone, just to reference plans.

  19. Playing my bass.

    I used to read nonfiction.

    Running isn’t really a hobby anymore.

    Obviously, I need more hobbies.

    edit: I forgot about board games. I used to play these with my family.

  20. Motorcycling. Apart from looking at your dash and occasionally a GPS it involves less screens and more nature and the wind

  21. Last year I began to go to some larps, I began playing the lyre and there’s pen and paper role play. And I started crocheting around Christmas…

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