I know I just made a post but sometimes these feelings hit me.

I’ve been seeing my girlfriend for about a year. She’s wonderful. Caring, beautiful, smart, funny. The works.

In fact, many things are great in my life. I just got a job that pays really well and I’m getting into decent shape. I’m even about to get my own place.

So I don’t know how to explain it to her. Everything is good. Everything is really fucking good. But I just can’t help it. It’s like it’s tearing a hole in my gut and I can’t take it.

I’m not even sure if I should tell her. I don’t want her to worry. She has her own stuff to think about.

How do I tell her that, despite everything being great, I still want to die?

TL:DR – Don’t know if/how I should tell my gf that I’m suicidal

  1. You tell her and in the same sentence explain how you are seeking help, like from your doctor and therapist.

  2. First, I’m so sorry my guy. Depression is no joke. I hope you just know that people love you and you have a lot going for you.

    Second, are you doing anything to address it? Are you in therapy? Have you spoken with a doctor? Are you on any medication?

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