At the beginning of our relationship my boyfriend (m25) and I (f24) would go out to eat, watch movies together, go for droves together etc etc etc,
However more recently all we seem to do is hang out with his family and or his friends. We rarely do things as a couple.
I’ve noticed we don’t have as much to talk about and that’s concerning to me as I’m afraid we might be losing chemistry.
We have a 10 day holiday booked in a few months and I’m having genuine concerns over what we are going to do and talk about 1on1 due to the fact that we have spent so little of time together just recently.

He seems to always be busy with his friends etc. out and about with his friends while I just am studying and working.
I obviously am not going to try hint at him to take me on a date etc – if he wanted to he would.
He is pretty wealthy but doesn’t even seem to buy me flowers from time to time – it’s sad because he never used to be so effortless😕

TLDR- my boyfriend and I never do anything together, what do I do

  1. Sounds like you two are letting the relationship stagnate. Relationships take maintenance. You should discuss how you are starting to lose interest, because you two aren’t doing enough together, Have you planned any dates recently? have you made any gestures? You both need to fix your halves of this – you both should be putting equal effort into maintaining the relationship.

  2. Why wouldn’t you hint at him taking you on a date? Why don’t you take him on a date?

    You have forgotten how to flirt with him. You may be the one who is stagnent

  3. > I obviously am not going to try hint at him to take me on a date etc – if he wanted to he would.

    just to double check: you are holding yourself to this standard to right? you are planning dates, and he isnt?

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