I’m F20 and my husband is M26, we just got married last year.

I have no assets and experience and my husband made more than 20x than me.

Would it be better to us to get a prenup or may I know what would be the advantage and disadvantage on this

  1. Seems a little late in the game, as it’s called a *pre* – nuptial

    Do you feel you need one? You’ll only benefit

  2. Where do you live? Check with the laws there. As the earlier comment stated, a pre-nuptial is an agreement made and signed BEFORE you get married. If you’re in the US, your state laws are probably in play now. So, a family lawyer should weigh in on this.

  3. At this point you would need a post-nuptial agreement, or post-nup.. because you are already married. What this does is determines who gets what assets & what share of assets in the event of a divorce, and it may add things like infidelity as deal breakers.

    Why are you asking now?

  4. It’s too late for a prenup, and if he’s the one with all the money it would almost certainly benefit him more than you. Why is this coming up now? Is he asking you to sign something, or do you think it would be helpful for some reason?

  5. This would be a post-nup. And there is no way of saying what the advantage or disadvantage would be without knowing the specific terms. However, given the massive age difference and income disparity, I’m guessing your husband wants to protect his assets. However, make sure that you are not being screwed. What are *you* giving up here? Are you expecting to have significant time off of school or working, for example to give birth and raise children? That is going to impact your earning power. Is he expecting you to stay at home? That means that you are forgoing your own earnings to support his, and the post-nup should reflect this.

  6. I don’t see a problem with a postnup (it’s too late for a prenup) just make sure you have a lawyer of your own to go over it with you.

    Also consider your future earnings, retirement, and if you are planning on have children. When I got married my husband made more, but now I make significantly more. While his income is pretty much as high as it could go I could easily double my salary in the next decade. On the other hand the majority of our retirement is in his account because his work matches 100% up to 6% plus adds in $500/month while my job doesn’t help with retirement beyond a $2k contribution once a year, if I’ve been contributing. So he contributes 6% of his income while I contribute 1% of mine.

    If you’re planning on being a SAHW/P make sure you are getting enough to live on in a divorce because you’re giving up your future earnings and that’s an agreement he is making with you. Your job is running the house/family and his job is earning money. Just because you’re not earning money doesn’t mean your job isn’t valuable

  7. I would like to know after reading your posts is–are you and your husband living together in the same home yet? Are you going for counseling for your obsession/attachment issue, or the fact that he is a predator that groomed you from the age of 17?

    Why are you asking about a pre-nup now? Not only is it too late, but are you trying to make sure you are taken care of if you or he wants to leave?

  8. Prenups are typically about significant assets.

    And for what you describe, you have no reason to agree to any prenups.

  9. If you get a post-nup, you will both want your own lawyers. They will both tell each of you what it means, and what to expect in your state of residence. It can be customized to your needs and concerns.

    You cannot do it without at least A lawyer because if you do, it could easily be disregarded in a court of law -and if you both don’t have your own lawyer involved in it’s design, it’s easy to get it ignored in court as a document you were forced into signing.

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