He’s my college senior and we’ve been talking since past couple of months. We have great conversations daily and I started developing feelings for him. But he kept telling me that he’s never gonna be in a relationship just into casual flings. But me being me thought maybe he could change his mind. Today while talking to him he told me that he would have proposed to me if he wasn’t a commitment phobic guy and he’s not good enough to date me. Now it has broken my heart completely, should I talk to him ever again? And if I do how to make him realise that I’m not bothered by it at all?

  1. You *are* bothered by it, so why would you want to convince him that you aren’t? He doesn’t want a relationship. You do. This is a fundamental incompatibility. It sucks and it hurts, but either one of you trying to change for the other is not likely to be successful.

  2. He’s trying to be nice. He knows what you want and that he’s not that guy, move on. Continuing as you are you’re just hurting yourself and him too.

  3. If he wanted to, he would’ve.

    So he knows your worth.
    “Not good enough to date you.”

    But he doesn’t want to do anything to make it happen.

    He’s not into you. Move on.

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