Hi, well just to start I am 21 yo, boy ever been in a relationship ever, I study abroad in a francophone country, well there is this girl she comes from Italy she is an international student, let’s call her O, we have one course together every week, not gonna since I saw her I got smitten by her beauty (a lot of people told me she’s not that beautiful, but for me she is an absolute beauty, dunno why). she doesn’t speak french obviously english only, so this week we’ll have another lecture together, I have talked to her once last lecture about an exercice, how can I do the next session to ask her for a date in a way that doesn’t seem weird, I want to ask her to go to the watch a movie at the cinema with me, I want to know is it too early, or like how could I ask her for a simple city tour or something like that, to get to know each other and make her understand that she interests me. Please it’s my first time don’t know how to act properly without being weird or forcing her to do something.

  1. Asking her for the first time to go the cinema would seem weird nd she might reject the idea. I suggest u ask her to go out for a city tour first , grab coffee or eat smthng , then escalate slowly nd maybe u can ask her then to go to the movies .
    I wish u all the luck 💪🏻💪🏻

  2. Ok, there are basically always two options. Either you build up or you jump into the cold water. So one is just ask. If you are asking some one out of the blue, it is a bit weird and you cant paint over that. But it is ok, just don’t be rude if she is not interested make it short and clear what you want. Something like: “Hey, I normally don’t do that but think you are cool/symphatic/interesting. Would you be interested in a drink or a coffee with me?”. This is all you need.

    On the other hand there is the build up Idea. Where you establish a connection before you ask her for a date. Speak with her, try to be close to her, listen to her, be interested in stuff she likes and then after a few weeks ask her out.

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