My husband and I are going to a strip club tonight and he’s excited about getting a lap dance and I’m totally supportive of this; however, I’m not sure what me as the wife is supposed to be doing while this is happening. Can anyone with step club experience help me? Thanks.

  1. What would you LIKE to do?

    Are you bi, or exploring a bit of bi-curiosity? Or do you just get a charge out of seeing your husband all horned-up and raring to go as soon as he gets you alone?

    If you’re open to indulging some sexy urges of your own, see if she might be willing to give a couple’s lap dance. She may well charge more, so make sure you know the parameters ahead of time if you go there. Or, you can always arrange a lap dance of your own if you’d each like an individual experience.

    Otherwise, if you’re strictly straight, I love u/alittlebirdy1’s suggestions. Those sound like a good way to ratchet up the horniness.

    Good luck and have fun.

  2. Not much to do, you’ve already done the big thing which is be chill, go there, and let him get one. Watch, give words of encouragement to both of them, light teasing maybe .. no need to keep a constant banter though. When it’s over, don’t be surprised if she wants to do you too. Tons of strippers LOVE when spouses/SO’s come in. Let it happen and you’ll be the sexiest person in the joint.

  3. Do what you want. Have fun. Get a hotter stripper to give you a Lapdance and hold hands with hubby while the strippers do their thing. Make uncomfortable eye contact

  4. Did this with my partner once, she ordered a lap dance from another lovely lady herself. It was all in good fun (she doesn’t swing that way). We still laugh about that night, it was a lot of fun.

  5. From my experience the performer is going to want to make sure you have a good time too. Go with whatever feels right and put your foot down on anything that doesn’t feel right. Strippers are much more permissive with women than with men, so take your cues from her; she knows what she’s doing.

  6. Get a couples lap dance…if you’re down. I’m assuming it’s female strippers. If it’s males.. sit back and enjoy.
    Clarify up front what is acceptable behavior and make sure dancer is on board with y’all’s expectations.
    Have fun

  7. My ex-wife and I used to go to strip clubs together; sometimes on date nights or special occasions. We’d always get lap dances together, and the stripper would usually play all over the ex while teasing me. They know what theyre doing so let them do the leading. You’ll have a great time.

  8. The few times my wife and I have gone to a strip club she usually gets one too next to me and sometimes she watches while sneakily touching herself a bit

  9. Hi! 👋🏼 stripper loving wife over here! Lol I highly suggest getting a couples dance! These girls know what they’re doing and I’m sure hubby will be very pleased in watching you get some playtime in too. Just talk to him before hand and let him know what your boundaries are and vice versa. Open communication is the only right way to go about this.

    Have some fun before hand, don’t just jump straight into a lap dance. I always stuff a few singles into my bra and “go fishing” and babe gets to watch the girls fondle my tits and Watch me play with the dancers. It’s a great time if you go about it the right way.

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