I am turning 30 this year, and I’m pretty insecure about aging and dating. I don’t look the same way I did when I got with my ex at 23. I am worried that I won’t be as attractive to a lot of men and this lessens my chances of meeting someone compared to when I met my ex. Does anyone have advice or an opinion to share?

I am talking about long-term and serious dating only.

  1. for men and women physical matters. so yes men care heres a little truth. alot of dating issue is people are not attracted to the person that is good for them. they spend way too much time chase after people that dont want them. point is, you are attractive to some men, dont make the mistake i see girls on social media od when they chase after men that are not in their league or just dont want them at all. deal with the men that wants you

  2. physical attraction catches our attention, sure. especially a prominent attribute (cleavage/breasts)

    general physical appearance (youthful, blemish free skin for example) is attracting on almost a genetic level (our genes want to combine with ‘perfection’ so far as that’s attainable)

    but, we’re people, too, so personality attributes, *once we’ve met*, like kindness, attentiveness, smartness, wisdom are valued. Once we’re past a certain age ‘dumb blondes’, have lost their appeal (I mean sure, nice eye candy, but not someone we’d want to associate with).

    And, not to put too fine an edge on it, a stunning woman’s appearance for those of us who’ve been around for awhile, often has a spoiled, selfish person lurking underneath.

  3. Physical attraction will get a guys attention, the rest will make him decide to keep you

  4. I would say it matters a little bit initially but like someone else said, there has to be that spark that ignites.

  5. Yes, men are very visual. Your looks is what gets us in the door and we stick around for the personality.

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