Women who love listening to their SO talk, what’s got your attention?

  1. His voice, his beautiful face, the way his eyes light up when he’s passionate about things, the chance to learn about him as well as the topic.

    Also I have hearing loss, and it will get worse with age so I want to be able to remember his voice when I eventually can’t hear it anymore.

  2. The sound of his voice, the way his face lights up and he gets so excited when he’s talking about the things he’s interested in. Even when what he’s talking about goes right over my head, because it’s his interest that we don’t share, I could listen to him talk all day.

  3. Everything. Her voice, her accent, her knowledge, her excitement, her pretty little face.

  4. Used to love talking on the phone. He’s from another English speaking country. Loved his accent and voice.

  5. I just love everything about talking to him. He’s open both with his willingness to share as well as his mind and ability to see and consider other perspectives. He can sometimes ramble a bit but it comes from a place of passion which is wonderful to see. He looks me in the eye (which his are gorgeous shade of blue that I get lost in) and is genuinely excited to talk to me. I could just stare at him and listen to him tell me about whatever is on his mind all day everyday.

  6. I love listening to whatever he talks about

    Even if it’s something i don’t really care about or don’t understand, like magic the gathering cards, he can talk about them for a while but i just love listening to his voice and seeing how excited he is about it

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