How many hours does it take for your partner to get dressed before you start to get annoyed?

  1. I don’t generally care how long my partner wants to take getting ready, until the time it takes is going to make us late.

  2. Depends on if there’s a time limit or not. If we gotta get somewhere soon, hurry up. If there’s no real timeframe, take your time.

  3. Idgaf personally.

    Luckily my wife is a MUA so she’s just as quick as me getting ready most days and the days she isn’t doesn’t bother me.

  4. > hours

    What the fuck lmao it took three hours to get the Freddy Kruger actor ready, any woman who takes hours to put on some normal ass makeup and clothes is just dragging her feet

  5. I just don’t. She starts getting ready I do other shit, when she finally picks out shoes I know I have 15-20 minutes before we actually leave and I get ready and we gone

  6. As long as we’re not late I don’t really care.

    I may find it unnecessary, but as long as she knows what it actually takes to get ready on time then I’m all for her doing her thing.

    My wife is one of those people who can go from sweats to party ready in about 20 minutes if she wants to so it really doesn’t come up with us very often.

    I did date a girl a while back who would start getting ready about the time we needed to leave and it took her hours each time. Part of the issue was that she wanted to “pregame” before we left but she usually wanted to have that drink while she was getting ready…which somehow translated to starting the drink about the time we needed to leave then not finishing until she was done getting ready. It was so bad that my friends would lie to me about start times and tell me an hour early, I would then lie to her by about an hour and we’d still be late almost every time we had a social engagement. I started going on time, she got mad. We broke up.

  7. Its not about the hours. What drives me absolutely nuts is “I will be ready in 10 minutes”. And those 10 minutes slowly bleed into 20, or 30, or 60? It slowly turns into a mystery that will unfold itself at any moment.

    If she says she will be ready in 3 hours, and she actually is, we are golden

  8. I feel like so many of these specific questions have a great story behind them. Tell us the story of how you spent 4 hours getting ready and your man started a whole new family because he couldn’t wait!

  9. I give them 2 hours. They was sat next to me when we made the plans. Its 99% of the time a jeans and t shirt event so no need start trying on ballgowns. I have been known to leave them at home and go by myself if they arnt ready in the 2 hour window.

  10. My wife doesn’t take that long, but she bullshits and we run late anyway. She never has her shit ready either so she is always looking for shit

  11. Hours? Fuck that.

    My GF can get ready in 10 minutes if she’s in a hustle. Thankfully, she’s not into makeup, fancy hair, or fancy clothes.

  12. Depends. I don’t care if it takes her 5 hours as long as she started 5 hours before whatever event we are going to.

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